Grade 6

Ссылка на аудио к учебнику 6 класс:
Аудиокурс 6 класс

Back to School - 2024 !!!



Wales (WelshCymru [ˈkəmrɨ] ) is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It is bordered by the Irish Sea to the north and west, England to the east, the Bristol Channel to the south, and the Celtic Sea to the south-west. 

Listen to the Welsh Language (follow the link)

At home:

Unit 14

 Complex Object with different verbs 👌


Can you read this?

tuː   ˈklaɪməz   wɜːr    ɪn   ˈtrʌbl    ɒn    ðə    ˈmaʊntɪn   wʌn    wɒz ˈbædli   ˈɪnʤəd.    ðeɪ   ˈniːdɪd    hɛlp  ˈlʌkli   ðə    ˈmaʊntɪn ˈrɛskjuː    ˈsɜːvɪs    keɪm    ˈkwɪkli   ðeɪ    wɔːkt    əˈlɒŋ     ðə    pɑːθ    ænd    krɒst    ə    ˈmaʊntɪn    striːm     tuː    riːʧ    ðɛm.    ðə  ˈklaɪməz   fɛlt     ˈhæpi    wɛn    ðeɪ    wɜː    ˈfaɪnəli     ˈrɛskjuːd.




 Two climbers were in trouble on the mountain. One was badly injured. They needed help. Luckily, the Mountain Rescue Service came quickly. They walked along the path and crossed a mountain stream to reach them. The climbers felt  happy  when they were finally rescued.

Dependent prepositions (p55):

Unit 14

Complex Object  с глаголами чувственного восприятия (see, feel, hear, watch, notice etc.)

Мы уже разбирали в прошлой статье, что Complex Object мы используем, когда один человек хочет/ожидает, что другой человек что-то сделает или не сделает. Например: Я хочу, чтобы вы прочитали эту статью. Однако есть особый вид глаголов (действий) – это глаголы чувственного восприятия: увидел услышал заметил наблюдал и другие В Complex object мы используем их, чтобы сказать, что видели/слышали/заметили, как другой человек что-то сделал. Давайте посмотрим, на два примера. Обычное предложение: Я увидела разбитую вазу. Complex Object: Я увидела, как он разбил вазу. Как видите, в первом предложении мы видим какой-то предмет. А во втором действие другого человека. Это и есть сложное дополнение. В таких предложениях есть два объекта: Тот, кто видит/слышит/замечает (я увидела) Тот, кого видят/слышат/замечают (он разбил) В Complex Object предложения с глаголами чувств строятся по особым правилам. Давайте рассмотрим как. Хотите заговорить на английском? Приходите на наш бесплатный онлайн мастер-класс «Как довести английский язык до автоматизма» Подробнее Также Вы можете ознакомиться со всеми онлайн-курсами английского языка. Правила построения предложений complex object с глаголами чувств В образовании таких предложений есть несколько нюансов. Давайте рассмотрим их: 1. На первое место в предложении мы ставим главное действующее лицо – тот, кто видит, слышит и т. д.: I, you, she, he, they, we. Например: I.... Я.... She.... Она.... 2. На второе место мы ставим наши глаголы чувств в прошедшем времени: see- saw – видел hear - heard – слышал feel - felt – почувствовал observe - observed – наблюдал watch - watched – смотрел, наблюдал notice - noticed – заметил Например: I saw.... Я видела.... She heard.... Она видела.... 3. После действия идет тот человек, от кого хотят, чтобы он сделал что-либо. Обратите внимание, как меняются наши местоимения: I – me you - you He – him she – her they – them we – us Это происходит потому, что здесь местоимение не является главным действующим лицом, а является дополнением – тот, кого видим, слышим и т.д. Например: I saw him.... Я видела, как он.... She heard them.... Она слышала, как они.... 4. Далее идет то действие, которое мы наблюдали/слышали/видели. Есть два способа, чтобы сказать это: Мы говорим, что видели какой-то факт. То есть вы просто посмотрели на что-то, услышали что-то. В этом случае глагол (действие) стоит в начальной форме без частицы to перед ним: read, go, study Например: I saw him read a book. Я видела, как он читал книгу (просто увидела, как он сидит с книгой, не важно сколько времени). She heard them sing a song. Она слышала, как они пели песню (просто услышала пение) Мы говорим, что видели какой-то процесс. То есть, что действие продолжалось какое-то время. В этом случае мы добавляем окончание -ing к глаголу (действию) Например: I saw him reading a book. Я видела, как он читал книгу (подчеркиваем, что он делал это в течении какого-то времени). She heard them singing a song. Она слышала, как они пели песню (подчеркиваем, длительность действия, пели в течении какого-то времени) Давайте рассмотрим схемы построения обоих видов предложений. Говорим о факте В этом случае используем глагол в начальной форме без частицы to. Такое предложение мы используем, когда говорим про какой-то факт, то есть что-то произошло. Например: Я видела, как машина подъехала. Схема такого предложения: Действующее лицо + saw/heard/felt + тот, кого видели + действие I me You you We saw us read They heard them come She noticed her sleep He him It it Примеры: They saw her enter the room. Они видели, как она вошла в комнату. She noticed him take a key. Она заметила, он взял ключ. Подчеркиваем длительность действия Мы прибавляем окончание –ing, когда хотим подчеркнуть длительность действия, то есть то, что наблюдали какой-то процесс. Например: Она смотрела, как они переходили дорогу (смотрела за процессом того, как они шли через дорогу). Схема такого предложения: Действующее лицо + saw/heard/felt + тот, кого видели + действие с окончанием –ing I me You you We saw us reading They heard them going She noticed her sleeping He him It it Примеры: I heard her singing. Я слышала, как она поет. We observed him doing it. Мы наблюдали, как он делает это.

Источник контента:


Мы уже разбирали в прошлой статье, что Complex Object мы используем, когда один человек хочет/ожидает, что другой человек что-то сделает или не сделает. Например: Я хочу, чтобы вы прочитали эту статью. Однако есть особый вид глаголов (действий) – это глаголы чувственного восприятия: увидел услышал заметил наблюдал и другие В Complex object мы используем их, чтобы сказать, что видели/слышали/заметили, как другой человек что-то сделал. Давайте посмотрим, на два примера. Обычное предложение: Я увидела разбитую вазу. Complex Object: Я увидела, как он разбил вазу.

Источник контента:
Мы уже разбирали в прошлой статье, что Complex Object мы используем, когда один человек хочет/ожидает, что другой человек что-то сделает или не сделает. Например: Я хочу, чтобы вы прочитали эту статью. Однако есть особый вид глаголов (действий) – это глаголы чувственного восприятия: увидел услышал заметил наблюдал и другие В Complex object мы используем их, чтобы сказать, что видели/слышали/заметили, как другой человек что-то сделал. Давайте посмотрим, на два примера. Обычное предложение: Я увидела разбитую вазу. Complex Object: Я увидела, как он разбил вазу.

Источник контента:
Мы уже разбирали в прошлой статье, что Complex Object мы используем, когда один человек хочет/ожидает, что другой человек что-то сделает или не сделает. Например: Я хочу, чтобы вы прочитали эту статью. Однако есть особый вид глаголов (действий) – это глаголы чувственного восприятия: увидел услышал заметил наблюдал и другие В Complex object мы используем их, чтобы сказать, что видели/слышали/заметили, как другой человек что-то сделал. Давайте посмотрим, на два примера. Обычное предложение: Я увидела разбитую вазу. Complex Object: Я увидела, как он разбил вазу. Как видите, в первом предложении мы видим какой-то предмет. А во втором действие другого человека. Это и есть сложное дополнение. В таких предложениях есть два объекта: Тот, кто видит/слышит/замечает (я увидела) Тот, кого видят/слышат/замечают (он разбил) В Complex Object предложения с глаголами чувств строятся по особым правилам. Давайте рассмотрим как. Хотите заговорить на английском? Приходите на наш бесплатный онлайн мастер-класс «Как довести английский язык до автоматизма» Подробнее Также Вы можете ознакомиться со всеми онлайн-курсами английского языка. Правила построения предложений complex object с глаголами чувств В образовании таких предложений есть несколько нюансов. Давайте рассмотрим их: 1. На первое место в предложении мы ставим главное действующее лицо – тот, кто видит, слышит и т. д.: I, you, she, he, they, we. Например: I.... Я.... She.... Она.... 2. На второе место мы ставим наши глаголы чувств в прошедшем времени: see- saw – видел hear - heard – слышал feel - felt – почувствовал observe - observed – наблюдал watch - watched – смотрел, наблюдал notice - noticed – заметил Например: I saw.... Я видела.... She heard.... Она видела.... 3. После действия идет тот человек, от кого хотят, чтобы он сделал что-либо. Обратите внимание, как меняются наши местоимения: I – me you - you He – him she – her they – them we – us Это происходит потому, что здесь местоимение не является главным действующим лицом, а является дополнением – тот, кого видим, слышим и т.д. Например: I saw him.... Я видела, как он.... She heard them.... Она слышала, как они.... 4. Далее идет то действие, которое мы наблюдали/слышали/видели. Есть два способа, чтобы сказать это: Мы говорим, что видели какой-то факт. То есть вы просто посмотрели на что-то, услышали что-то. В этом случае глагол (действие) стоит в начальной форме без частицы to перед ним: read, go, study Например: I saw him read a book. Я видела, как он читал книгу (просто увидела, как он сидит с книгой, не важно сколько времени). She heard them sing a song. Она слышала, как они пели песню (просто услышала пение) Мы говорим, что видели какой-то процесс. То есть, что действие продолжалось какое-то время. В этом случае мы добавляем окончание -ing к глаголу (действию) Например: I saw him reading a book. Я видела, как он читал книгу (подчеркиваем, что он делал это в течении какого-то времени). She heard them singing a song. Она слышала, как они пели песню (подчеркиваем, длительность действия, пели в течении какого-то времени) Давайте рассмотрим схемы построения обоих видов предложений. Говорим о факте В этом случае используем глагол в начальной форме без частицы to. Такое предложение мы используем, когда говорим про какой-то факт, то есть что-то произошло. Например: Я видела, как машина подъехала. Схема такого предложения: Действующее лицо + saw/heard/felt + тот, кого видели + действие I me You you We saw us read They heard them come She noticed her sleep He him It it Примеры: They saw her enter the room. Они видели, как она вошла в комнату. She noticed him take a key. Она заметила, он взял ключ. Подчеркиваем длительность действия Мы прибавляем окончание –ing, когда хотим подчеркнуть длительность действия, то есть то, что наблюдали какой-то процесс. Например: Она смотрела, как они переходили дорогу (смотрела за процессом того, как они шли через дорогу). Схема такого предложения: Действующее лицо + saw/heard/felt + тот, кого видели + действие с окончанием –ing I me You you We saw us reading They heard them going She noticed her sleeping He him It it Примеры: I heard her singing. Я слышала, как она поет. We observed him doing it. Мы наблюдали, как он делает это.

Источник контента:








Отрицательные предложения в Complex object с глаголами чувств

Источник контента:
Отрицательные предложения в Complex object с глаголами чувств

Источник контента:







Combine the sentences using the Complex Object.


I felt something hard. It hurt my leg. -> I felt something hard hurt my leg.

I saw Mike. He was entering the house. -> I saw Mike entering the house. 

  1. They didn’t notice us. We passed by.
  2. Mike heard Sam. She was playing the violin.
  3. I felt her hand. It was shaking.
  4. I heard them. They were arguing.
  5. We many times heard him. He told this story.


At home:
(см SB табл стр 50)

12/02/25 Modern English

At home (19/02.24):

👉Follow the example:

Dear Alice,

   Thank you for your email. I'm glad to hear from you again.

   In your email you ask me about ... (subject). Well, ... (ответы на 3 вопроса).

   That's all for now. Keep in touch.




Разница в употреблении have to и have got to.

Модальные конструкции have to и have got to можно считать взаимозаменяемыми. Единственная разница заключается в том, что have to обычно используется для выражения постоянной, регулярной, привычной, рутинной необходимости, тогда как have got to используется для выражения единичной необходимости:

Fred has to get up every morning.

Fred has got to get up early tomorrow morning.


Have to и have got to в настоящем времени.

В настоящем времени в утвердительных предложениях have to и have got to в 3-м лице ед. числе имеют формы has to и has got to:

have to have got to present

Отрицательные предложения конструкция have to образует при помощи вспомогательного глагола don’t\doesn’t (do not\ does not), тогда как have got to имеет собственную отрицательную форму:

отрицание have to и have got to

Вопросительные предложения have to образует при помощи вспомогательного глагола do\does, тогда как have got to делает это самостоятельно:

have to have got to в вопросе


Princes Street
Holyrood Palace
The Castle


1. Scotland is a country ... .

2. Its symbol is a ..., its patron saint is ... .

3. The country is divided ... .

4. Edinburgh is ..., Glasgow is ... . The cities are ... .

5. Glasgow is the heart ... . It is ... .

6. Edinburgh is ... . It is known as ... .

7. The most interesting parts of the city are ... .

8. The Castle is one of the main attractions in Edinburgh. It is older ... . It used to be a ... and ... . Now it is a ... . It attracts ... .

9. People in Edinburgh can enjoy some musical festivals which take part in August and September. They are ... .

10. Tourists can see Holyrood House which is ... .

11. The Royal Mile is ... .

12. The most picturesque part of the Royal Mile is  ... .

13. One of the best known monuments in Edinburgh is ... .

14.Princes Street is ... . It is connected with ... . It lies between ... .



1. Edinburgh 👀👂

2. Edinburgh - watch a video👀👈

3. Edinburgh - video trip 👀💓

4. Edinburgh - an almost 3hour video of a walking tour 👀👌

05.02.25   Modern English

H/t for 12.02.25  (Complex Object)- get ready for the test:


LISTEN and LEARN!!!  King Charles III reciting "My Heart's in the Highlands"👂👀


Complex Object with MAKE and LET:


29.01.25   Modern English

H/t for 5.02.25

1. Выполнить письменно, объяснить:

 2. Повторить приставки и суффиксы:

-ment, -ion, -er/-or/-man/-ist, -ly, -less, -ness, -al, -an, un-. (see Students book part 1)

Make adjectives by using the suffixes : -OUS , -AL , -Y , -IVE , -ABLE , -FUL , -LESS

danger - 
create - 
dirt - 
drink - 
care -  or 
music - 
fame - 
politics - 
use -  or 
sun - 


Change the words in the box into people by adding suffixes (-ER , -OR , -IAN ,  -MAN or -IST) :

art -  collect -  direct -  guitar -  library -  manage -  own - politics-  decorate-  write-   milk-    


Great William Shakespeare

Complete the sentences, use ex 18 p 11:

1. William Shakespeare was a  ... and ... .

2. He was born ... (when, where, to whom).

3. His mother was a ... . His father was a ... .

4. William went to a ... and had ... .

5. While still a teenager, William ... .

6. Shakespeare and his wife had ... .

7. In 1587 ... .

8. In London ... .

9. Most of his plays ... .

10. In 1613 ... .

11. His plays are still ... .

Speak about W. Shakespeare and his life.

22.01.25 Modern English

H/t for 29.01.25

Write the answers:




  1. There was a …rainbow in the sky. (colour)

  2. Susan saw a … picture in the gallery. (beauty)

  3. The weather was … and … in the street. (wind, rain )

  4. I live in … family. (music)

  5. My favorite season is summer. I like … days. (sun)

  6. My father bought me a … instrument. (profession)

  7. London is the … capital of Great Britain. (culture)

  8. The streets in Kemerovo are not ... .(noise)

  9. My new desk is very ... . (comfort)

  10. This dog is a very ... creature (friend)

Class work:






15/01/25 Modern English

At home: 22. 01. 25 (№1, 2)*























Let's play:

Make the sentences correct 👈

What do you want these people to do? 👈











  • Health and Fitness
  1. Get in shape – прийти в форму,
  2. Exercise more – тренироваться больше,
  3. Lose weight – сбросить вес,
  4. Drink more water – пить больше воды,
  5. Quit smoking / drinking / eating a lot of sugar / eating a lot of junk food – бросить курить/пить/есть много сладкого/есть много вредной еды,
  6. Get more sleep – дословно получать больше сна, то есть, спать больше,
  7. Watch less TV – смотреть меньше телевизор,
  8. Spend less time using gadgets and devices – тратить меньше времени на пользование гаджетами и устройствами.

  • Education and Training

  1. Stop procrastinating – перестать прокрастинировать, то есть откладывать на потом,
  2. Be more responsible – быть более ответственным,
  3. Complete all assignments – выполнять все домашние задания,
  4. Attend all classes – посещать все уроки,
  5. Stop being late – перестать опаздывать.


Modern English










Participle I and II

 At home:





Have you ever heard of the Loch Ness Monster? Many people believe that there is a huge animal 1.(living/lived) in Loch Ness in Scotland.

The animal is about 50 metres long 2.(including/included ) its tail. Nobody knows anything about its 3.(eating / eaten) habits. There are some photos of the animal 4.(taking/ taken) by different people 5.(visiting/ visited) the lake, but nobody can prove that they are real.

This animal 6. (giving/ given) the nickname Nessie has been one of the greatest tourists attractions to the area for years. Expeditions 7.(sent / sending) to Scotland tried very hard to find and catch Nessie. And so did individuals 8.(looking/ looked) for the animal. But there has been no result yet.

Nessie is still a great mystery. Very few things  9.(knowing/ known ) about Nessie are: it has a long and thin neck like a giraffe’s, its head is quite small and looks like a horse’s, its colour is dark yellow and its habitat is the deepest and the coldest part of the lake.

a Participle I or II game 👀


Повторяем песни к 24.12

 В лесу родилась ёлочка

Jingle Bells 

 We wish you a Merry Christmas 


Modern English





so or such? 👀

 test yourself👌

 Вставьте so, such (a / an):

  1. My Dad was ___________ angry that I knew I’d better disappear for a while.
  2. The journey was _________ long, that we wanted to return.
  3. They were __________ beautiful earrings that I decided I had to get them.
  4. It was ____________ windy that they couldn’t stand up!
  5. Her pies were ___________ delicious, that I asked for another helping.
  6. They are _________ noisy neighbors that we can’t sleep at night.
  7. They had ___________ wonderful holiday in Italy.
  8. It was ___________ waste of time!
  9. The film was _______ boring!
  10. The water in the rivers is ________ dirty.
  11. That had __________ strong effect on me!
  12. She had ____________ bad headache that she went to lie down for a while.
  13. It was ___________ lovely party!
  14. He is __________ interesting person!
  15. Everyone had __________ good time when we went cycling that we agreed to go again.
  16. Edward and Rose used to be __________ good friends.
  17. The tornado was ___________powerful that the town was destroyed.
1. Helen was  bored that she started singing to herself.

2. It was  expensive vacation that I regret it.

3. You were  rude to her that he won’t talk to you again.

4. The student was  tired that he fell asleep watching a movie.

5. You are  popular that everybody envies you.

6. I have  great relatives that I never feel alone.

7. They were  hungry that they ate as if they hadn’t eaten anything for days.

8. He is making  loud noise that I cannot concentrate on my work.

9. We will be  far away from you by the time you get this letter.

10. He was  fast that I could hardly see him passing by.

11. It was  rainy day that it seemed as if the sky was dropping on our heads.

12. The place was  loud that we could barely here each other.

13. My brother has  interesting stories that you will never get bored listening.

14. The cake is  delicious that I can eat it all by myself.

15. My internet connection is  slow that I’d rather use a dictionary.


Modern English

 At home:

You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Ben:


Subject: Dear friend

…My granny is such a kind person. She always brings us presents for everything we celebrate. And I love all her presents! For example, at Christmas she gave me the coolest computer game, it was something I had been dreaming of …

…What holidays do you celebrate with your family? What is your favourite holiday and why? What is the best present you’ve ever received?


Write a message to Sam and answer his 3 questions. Write 60–70 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.



👉Follow the example:

Dear Alice,

   Thank you for your email. I'm glad to hear from you again.

   In your email you ask me about ... (subject). Well, ... (ответы на 3 вопроса).

   That's all for now. Keep in touch.



You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Ben:


Subject: Dear friend

…I’ve just been to Australia. I saw kangaroos and koalas! I even learned surfing at one of the Australian beaches! That was unbelievable! I definitely want to go there again!

…Where did you spend your last summer? What did you like most about it? Which country would you like to visit one day, why? …


Write a message to Ben and answer his 3 questions. Write 60 - 70 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Reported Speech

Complete the sentences and change to reported speech.

  1. I said, "The game won't be so easy".
    I said that the game  so easy.
  2. She said, "I can see the Eiffel Tower from here":
    She said that  the Eiffel Tower from  .
  3. He asked me, "Did you see John yesterday?"
    He asked me  John the day before.
  4. Dad said, "Don't drive so fast !"
    Dad told  me  so fast.
  5. My friend said, "I will have to go to London next week."
    My friend said that he/she  to London .
  6. The doctor told her, "Don't smoke any more cigarettes!"
    The doctor told her  any more cigarettes.
  7. The boy asked, "Can we go out if the rain stops?"
    The boy wanted to know  out if the rain 
  8. I said, "The film will be very interesting."
    I said that the film  very interesting.
  9. She asked us, "Who do you normally visit on Sundays?"
    She wanted to know  on Sundays.
  10. The instructor told us , "Tennis is not an easy game to play.
    The instructor told us that tennis  an easy game to play.
  11. Ann asked Jim, "Please close the door."
    Ann asked Jim  the door.
  12. Jack told us, "I have been enjoying my new job ".
    Jack told us that he  new job.


Modern English:
At home:
Задание 1 Образуйте все возможные существительные от этих глаголов и прилагательных (письменно), слова выучить (будет диктант): calm, poison, speak, operate, radiate, ill, destroy, clear, radiate, create, soft, celebrate, dump, influence, picnic, ready, dark, cooperate, decorate

Задание 2
Write a letter:

Вы получили электронное письмо от Вашей подруги по переписке Анны из Великобритании. Ниже приведён отрывок из этого письма. 


Subject: Holidays ..

I really enjoy celebrating different holidays. For example,I celebrate Christmas and Easter every year. What holidays do people in your country celebrate ? What is your favourite holiday if any? Why do you like it?  

Напишите ей ответное письмо объёмом 60–70 слов, ответьте на три её вопроса. Оформите свой ответ в соответствии с правилами оформления письма. Не пишите адрес и дату. Не забудьте поблагодарить подругу за полученное письмо.  

👉Follow the example:

Dear Alice,

   Thank you for your email. I'm glad to hear from you again.

   In your email you ask me about ... (subject). Well, ... (ответы на 3 вопроса).

   That's all for now. Keep in touch.




At home:

 admire                     /ɪkˈsaɪt/
scenery          /flæt/
a plain         /hedʒ/
a meadow      /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/
a valley         /kəˈnekt/
a hedge                /pleɪn/
to excite         /ədˈmaɪər/
exciting          /ˈmedəʊ/
to attract            /rest/
attractive                /ʃeɪp//əˈtræktɪv/
flat          /ˈsiːnəri/
rest          /əˈtrækt/
a shape               /əˈtræktɪv/
to connect        ти  /ˈvæli/

admire smth
scenery is /was
in the plain
in the meadow
in the valley
a hedge round smth
to be separated by
to be excited by
to be attracted by
to be connected by

excite - exciting

attract - attractive

flat - flatter - the flattest

the rest of the
the shape of 


in the north (south, east, west)

👉 to the north (south, east, west)

At home:

 A new tongue twister for you:
Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

Welcome to the United Kingdom 
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland!

 The United Kindom of  Great Britain and Northern Ireland
England                           /ˈbelfɑːst/           Cardiff
Scotland                  /ˈkɑː.dɪf/                          Edinburgh
Wales                               /ˈlʌn.dən/           Belfast
Northern Ireland     /ˈed.ɪn.bər.ə/                    London
 The National Gallery                  St Paul's Cathedral     Westminster Abbey

Name things connected with the UK
 What do these dates speak about?

1666                        the 31 of October
    the 25th of December
The Union Jack

 The Head of State

The Houses of Parliament

 At home:



Guess a word:

/ˈæk.sənt/                            /mes/

/koʊˌɑː.pəˈreɪ.ʃən/              /səˈsaɪ.ə.ti/         

/ˈɡləʊ.bəl/                            /kæn/

/ˈkraɪ.sɪs/                             /spɔɪl/

/tɜːm/                                    /dɪˈzɑː.stər/

/klɪər/                                    /preɪz/

/paɪl/                                     /ˈen.ə.dʒi/

/bɪt/                                       /ˈpɜː.sən.əl.i/

Use the words in your own sentences:

1. a strange accent

2. global problems

3. ecological crisis

4. international

5. a school term

6. clear the table / the room / the rubbish from

7. a pile of books

8. a bit hungry

9. in a mess

10. a sports society

11. a can of pepsi

12. to can vegetables

14. spoil the evening

15. praise the pupil / the child / the winner

16. a terrible disaster


  1. 1.
    A: I enjoy watching the sunset.
    B: So
  2. 2.
    A: I’m really thirsty.
    B: So
  3. 3.
    A: I didn’t buy anything in the shop.
    B: Neither
  4. 4.
    A: I was upset yesterday.
    B: So
  5. 5.
    A: I don’t go to the gym.
    B: Neither
  6. 6.
    A: I’ve seen this movie twice.
    B: So
  7. 7.
    A: I can’t speak Japanese.
    B: Neither
  8. 8.
    A: I read Romeo and Juliet last year.
    B: So
  9. 9.
    A: I won’t help Claire.
    B: Neither
  10. 10.
    A: I’d like to try that new restaurant downtown.
    B: So
  11. 11.
    A: I will be there on time.
    B: So
  12. 12.
    A: I haven’t had a good night’s sleep recently.
    B: Neither
  13. 13.
    A: I wasn’t prepared for the exam.
    B: Neither
  14. 14.
    A: I’m not a fan of spicy food.
    B: Neither
  15. 15.
    A: I live in a small apartment.
    B: So

Comparatives and superlatives

Complete the sentences with the present simple form
of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible.

  1. My sister thinks she's(clever) than me, but I don't agree!
  2. Avatar is probably(bad) film I've seen!
  3. What is(wet) month of the year in England?
  4. Do you think the Harry Potter films are(good) than the books?
  5. Who is(powerful) person in your country?
  6. I think Men in Black 1 was(funny) than Men in Black 3.
  7. Is Angelina Jolie(old) than Sandra Bullock?
  8. John is (nice) person that I know


This Fragile Planet

1. I'd like to tell you about ....
2. Let me start with speaking about the environment.  
3.The word environment means ...
4.Nowadays  people face a lot of  ...  problems.  ( or There are a lot  ... problems nowadays)
5. The main environmental problems are...
6. Speaking about water pollution, I want to say that people ... into oceans, seas rivers and lakes.  It is dangerous because ...
7. Besides, some countries ... nuclear wastes into ... which ...
8.  The main reasons for air pollution  are ...
9. It is dangerous to spend too much time in direct sunlight because ... 
10.  Nuclear power stations ....
11. Nuclear pollution is... because ...
12. To make air and water clean ...
13. Clean environment is important for ...
14.If people want to ...
15.That's why people all over the world ...

Фразы для монологического высказывания


I’d like to tell you about...

I’d like to describe…

My topic is…

I want to give a (short) talk  about… 

основная часть: 

         I’d like to begin by saying that …

         Let me start / finish with…

        Another point is that…

        As I was saying…

        First / second / next / finally…  


In conclusion,…

I’ve come to the end of my talk, thank you for listening. 
That’s all I’ve got to say.

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.
I’m ready for any questions now.

Modern English
We write emails

Let's learn how to write an informal letter:



At home:

Вы получили электронное письмо от Вашей подруги по переписке Алины из Великобритании. Ниже приведён отрывок из этого письма. 



Subject: Sport ..

I really enjoy doing sport. For example,I go swimming twice a week. Do you think that sport is important for you? What kind of sport do you and your friend play if any? Do you take part in competitions? 

Напишите ей ответное письмо объёмом 60–70 слов, ответьте на три её вопроса. Оформите свой ответ в соответствии с правилами оформления письма. Не пишите адрес и дату. Не забудьте поблагодарить подругу за полученное письмо.  

👉Follow the example:

Dear Alice,

   Thank you for your email. I'm glad to hear from you again.

   In your email you ask me about ... (subject). Well, ... (ответы на 3 вопроса).

   That's all for now. Keep in touch.



Express the same in English:

Fill in the gaps with the new words:

IF/WHEN CLAUSES (придаточные условия/времени)

Talking about the future

In time clauses with words like whenafter and until, we often use present tense forms to talk about the future:

I'll come home when I finish work.
You must wait here until your father comes.
They are coming after they have had dinner.

In conditional clauses with words like ifunlesseven if, we often use present tense forms to talk about the future:

We won't be able to go out if it is raining.
I will come tomorrow unless I have to look after the children.
Even if Barcelona lose tomorrow, they will still be champions.

We do not normally use will in time clauses and conditional clauses:

I'll come home when I finish work. (NOT will finish work)
We won't be able to go out if it rains. (NOT will rain)
It will be nice to see Peter when he gets home. (NOT will get home)
You must wait here until your father comes. (NOT will come)


Whether the weather 
Whether the weather be fine, 
Or whether the weather be not, 
Whether the weather be cold, 
Or whether the weather be hot, 
We'll weather the weather 
Whatever the weather,
 Whether we like it or not! 

Modern English Pronouns
Passive voice Modals:

At home:

Change the sentences to passive voice:

  1. Mozart wrote  "The Magic Flute".
    "The Magic Flute by Mozart.
  2. A friendly policeman checked our bags.
    Our bags  by a friendly policeman.
  3. Thousands of pupils have seen Schindler's List up to now.
    Schindler's List  by thousands of pupils up to now.
  4. They sent the documents to the wrong address.
    The documents  to the wrong address.
  5. This restaurant serves excellent food.
    Excellent food  in this restaurant.
  6. They make very good cars in Japan.
    Very good cars  in Japan.
  7. Tourists have spent millions of euros in Europe in the last few years.
    Millions of euros  by tourists in Europe in the last few years.
  8. People speak English in most parts of the world.
    English  in most parts of the world.
  9. They arrested the two men after the robbery.
    Two men  after the robbery.
  10. They will show the film in our cinema.
    The film  in our cinema.
  11. People hear the New Year's concert every year.
    The New Year's concert  every year.
  12. You can't do that.
    That .

Endangered and Extinct Species 

Modern English

Do the task above 👆

Д/З на 23.10

Write a letter as in the example.

Let's recollect pronouns

глагол + ing
collecting things
be into
be keen on                                       + 🔺ing
be interested in
be fascinated by / with smth
be into
don't like


Make sentences in the passive in the given tense !

1. BMWs  make  in Germany (PRESENT SIMPLE)

2. English  speak  in this shop (PRESENT SIMPLE)

3. The oldest house  build  in 1575 (PAST SIMPLE)

4. The bridge  repair  last year (Past SIMPLE

5. The trees  cut down  last winter (PAST SIMPLE)

6. The picture  paint  tomorrow (FUTURE SIMPLE)

7. The TV  fix- three days ago (PAST Simple)

8. The cupboard  repair  yeasterday (Past SIMPLE)

9. The car  find  in the garage (PAST SIMPLE)

10. Breakfast  serve  between 7 and 9 (PRESENT SIMPLE)

11. The dog  call- Rover (PRESENT SIMPLE)

12. The meeting  hold  in my office (PRESENT SIMPLE)

13. The street  close  because of snow (PAST SIMPLE)

14. The banks  close  in two days (FUTURE  SIMPLE)

15. Hundreds of books  write  every year (PRESENT SIMPLE)

16. After the accident  Joe  take  to the hospital (PAST SIMPLE)

17. The cap  find  in the corner (PAST SIMPLE)

18. The robber  not find  by the police  yesterday (PAST SIMPLE)

19. The game finish tin the evening (FUTURE SIMPLE)

20. Different types of cameras  use in Russia (PRESENT SIMPLE)


  1. Ex 1. We can phone my grandma and ask (she)
  2. Are  your friends? (they)
  3.  is working on  presentation. (she)
  4. Excuse , can  ask a question? (I)
  5.  can ride  skateboards. (they)
  6.  is  friend. (he)
  7. This is not  jacket,  was blue. (I)
  8.  bought it for (she)
  9. These two cats are (we)
  10.  don't eat potatoes because  don't like (they)
  11. Ex 2.
  12. Choose the correct reflexive pronouns from the drop down menu.


    1. Robert made this T-shirt .
    2. Lisa did her homework 
    3. We helped  to some Coke at the party.
    4. Emma, did you take the photo by ?
    5. I wrote this poem .
    6. He cut  with the knife while he was doing the dishes.
    7. The lion can defend .
    8. My mother often talks to .
    9. Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help .
    10. Alice and Doris collected the stickers .
ex 3.

Use the possessive determiner or the possessive pronoun in the gaps.

Hide example


Can you come to   party? (we)


Can you come to our party?

  1. The bus stop is near  house. (we)
  2. How is  new school? (you)
  3. This is my bag and that is (he)
  4. Sophia's hair is longer than (I)
  5. It's  turn now. (I)
  6. The bike on the right is (you)
  7. Which desk is (we)
  8. Here are  tickets. (she)
  9. The children brushed  teeth. (they)
  10. Our school is much nicer than (they)
  11. object pronouns me, you, him, her, us, them (2)

    Choose the correct answer.

    1. That's the new teacher. We don't like.
    2. Close your book and listen to.
    3. You love him. Does he love?
    4. We go for a run every day. Come with.
    5. They're new students. I don't know.
    6. He's Julie's ex-boyfriend. She hates.

Modern English
Listen to the weather forecast (follow the link)  and do the tasks:


Упражнение 1. Choose the right tense form.

  1. Nina has been learning/has learned English for 2 years.
  2. The birds have already flown/have been flying to the South.
  3. They have known /have been knowing him for many years.
  4. Mike has forgotten/has been forgetting to learn the poem.
  5. The children have been watching/have watched cartoons for 2 hours.
  6. The train has just come/has been coming.
  7. We haven’t been having/ haven’t had a holiday for 5 years.
  8. She has been teaching/has taught at this school for twenty years.
  9. David has been painting/has painted in his studio since 10 o’clock.
  10. Mary and Sam have collected/ have been collecting stamps for 3 years.
  11. Their parents have been/have being friends since their childhood.
  12. Dave has been/ has been being a student for 2 years.

Упражнение 2. Make sentences using Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.


She/clean/the flat for four hours. – She has been cleaning the flat for four hours.

  1. I / read/Tolstoy stories/ in the park for two hours.
  2. I /read/three stories.
  3. Granny/knit/in the living room/ since morning.
  4. Helen/travel/round Europe/for 3 weeks.
  5. She/visit/already/3 countries.

Упражнение 3.  Поставь глагол в скобках в Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. I (not to see) him for ages.
  2. He (to do) his lessons since lunch.
  3. I (not to hear) about him for a long time.
  4. I (to drive) since I was 17.
  5. Jack (to fail) his driving test three times because к doesn't know how to park.
  6. I think he (make) a lot of improvement.
  7. Alice (not/pass) her driving test because she doesn’t know the rules well.
  8. She (worry) about this for two months.
  9. She (study) the driver’s manual for hours every day.
  10. She (not/take) another test yet.
  11. I (to have) a headache since I got up.
  12. He is my friend, I (to know) him for a long time.
  13. Ivan has a stomachacke. He (to eat) junk food all day.
  14. I (never to hear) that song before.

Упражнение 4. Make questions using either Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. My friend is waiting for me at the station. (How long…?)
  2. He translates books. (How many…?)
  3. Mother is making a cream cake. (How long…?)
  4. Bill is travelling in Europe at present. (How many countries…?)
  5. My parents are decorating the fir-tree. (How long…?)
  6. They are married. (How long…?)

Упражнение 5. Translate into English using either Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.         

  1. Моя жена рисует уже 5 лет, но ещё не продала ни одной картины.
  2. Я рад, что мы закончили эту работу.
  3. Мои руки грязные. Я работала в саду.
  4. Ник съел все конфеты.
  5. Вы когда-нибудь играли в шахматы?

Упражнение 6. Correct the mistakes if any.

  1. They are discussing the problem for hours, but has not solved it yet.
  2. Somebody has been playing tennis since 2 o’clock.
  3. Is it still raining? No, it have stopped.
  4. John has been winning the championship two times.
  5. The boys have fished for 3 hours.
  6. How many books have you written?
  7. Mike has invited many friends to his birthday party.
  8. He has been hating oranges since his childhood.
  9. They have been taken the dog for a walk.
  10. Irene has left for the airport.

1.I (to write) an English exercise now. 

2. I (to write) an English exercise at this time yesterday. 

3. My little sister (to sleep) now. 

4. My little sister (to sleep) at this time yesterday. 

5. My friends (not to do) their homework now. They (to play) volley-ball. 

My friends (not to do) their homework at seven o'clock yesterday. 
They (to play) volley-ball. 

7. You (to eat) ice-cream now? 

8. You (to eat) ice-cream when I rang you up yesterday? 

9. What your father (to do) now? 

10. What your father (to do) from eight till nine yesterday? 

11. Why she (to cry) now? 

12. Why she (to cry) when I saw her yesterday? 

13. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday. 

14. She (not to read) now. 

15. Now she (to go) to school. 

16. What you (to do) now? —-I (to drink) tea. 

17. You (to drink) tea at this time yesterday? — No, I (not to drink) tea 
at this time yesterday, I (to eat) a banana. 

18. My sister is fond of reading. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday, 
and now she (to read) again. 

19. Look! My cat (to play) with a ball. 

20. When I went out into the garden, the sun (to shine) and
birds (to sing) in the trees. 


Let's have a talk about climate:

Climate is ... .
It has ... .
Russia is ... and its climate is ... .
But recently the climate has changed ... .
The world is becoming ... .
Many people say it is so because ... .
It works like this ... .

During the last ... . This gas in the atmosphere ... .It lets ..., but it doesn't let ... . So. the atmosphere ... .
That's why ... .
People produce carbon dioxide when ... . Trees ... . But people have cut ... . This means ... .
So, the climate in different parts of the world changes ... .
These changes are dangerous ... , which ... .

26.09.24  Modern English

Д/З  на 3.10 №  , 3*, 4*, 5*,8* (write)

 1. Complete the pairs of sentences. Use the Present Perfect in one sentence and the Past Simple in the other.

  1. I (know)  _______ her for six years.

I (know) _______  him when I was at school.

  1. He (live) _______  in Paris from 1997 to 2000.

He (live) _______  in New York since 2001.

  1. Where's Pete? I (not see) _______  him for ages.

I (not see) _______  Pete last night.

  1. We (be) _______  at primary school from 1993 to 1998.

We (be) _______ in this class since September.

  1. I (not watch) _______  this video yet.

I (not watch) _______ a video at the weekend.

Упражнение 2. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

1.  I ________ (never/ be) to the USA. I ______ (want) to go there last summer but I couldn’t.

2.  He _______ (live) in this street all his life.

3.  His father ________ (come back) to London last Sunday.

4.  Yan __________ (write) a letter to Nick two days ago.

5.  He ________ (send) his letter yesterday.

6.  They  ________  (just/ buy) some postcards.

3  Complete the sentences with the past simple or present perfect form of the verb in the box.

buy     go   not learn    take      travel

not speak  start    

1   I ……started…… learning French last year.

2   We ……………. English since yesterday.

3   ……………. you ever ……………. to Australia?

4   Where ……………. you ……………. on your last holiday?

5   Daniel ……………. just ……………. his final English exam.

6   Mum ……………. me a Spanish dictionary at the beginning of term.

7   I ……………. all the topics for the test yet.

4  Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences. Then complete the sentences with the verb in brackets in the past simple or present perfect.

  I ……didn’t enjoy…… (not enjoy) the film   …D

  We …………………… (not finish) these

  Did you understand what

  Julia …………………… (translate) an

  I …………………… (have) English

  ……………… you …………………… (look up)

  Mum …………………… (join) a

  interesting article last week.

  the new words in the dictionary yet?

  language club last year.

  because it ……was…… (be) very violent.

   Sasha …………………… (say)?

   lessons since 2015.

G   exercises yet so please give us more time.

5 Complete the questions with When or How long. Then complete the missing words using the verb in brackets in the past simple or present perfect.

1   ……When…… did you ……take…… (take) your English exam?

2   ……………… have you ……………… (know) Tom?

3   ……………… has Matt ……………… (be) your teacher?

4   ……………… did you ……………… (have) a holiday?

5   ……………… did Alex ……………… (move) to Canada?

6   ……………… has it been since you ……………… (speak) German?

7   ……………… was the last time you ……………… (see) Susan?

Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences and questions.

  I have arrived at the airport at 8 o’clock.

      ……I arrived at the airport at 8 o’clock. ……

  How many mistakes have you made in yesterday’s test?


  I just bought a new dictionary.


  We have seen lots of interesting places when we were in Rome.


  Were you to Australia?


  Gemma hasn’t known the meaning of the word.


  They didn’t see their cousins since last year.


7 Complete the conversation with one word in each space.

Hugo:   Hi Lucy. 1……Have…… you met Alice? She’s a close friend of 2……………… .

Lucy:   No, I haven’t. Hi, Alice. Nice to meet you. Are you 3……………… in the same English class?

Alice:   Yes, we 4……………… .

Lucy:   Fantastic. Are you both enjoying English?

Hugo:   Yes, we enjoy 5……………… English because we have 6……………… best teacher! Last year it wasn’t so much fun because we 7……………… a different teacher every term but now it’s great.

Lucy:   How lucky! I want to 8……………… my class so I can be with my friends but I don’t know if will be possible before next year.

Alice:   Good luck

8  Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

  1. We lived here since 1997.
  2. I've been ill since two days.
  3. How long do you know him?
  4. Susie has seen a good film last night.
  5. We've finished our homework just.
  6. I've already wrote three letters.

Упражнение 1 Вcтaвьтe глaгoл в нeoбхoдимoй фopмe в yпpaжнeнии тaк, чтoбы пoлyчилcя Present Perfect или Past Simple. Пpoaнaлизиpyйтe cвoй выбop.


Present Perfect

Past Simple


I_______ him many years ago.

I______ him on the Internet last night.


He_______ there since 2015.

He______ there from 2014 to 2017.

Not talk

They_______ to her for ages.

They______ to her last week.


We________ together for a long time.

We_______ together from 1989 to 2000.

Not meet

She________ him before.

She _______ him yesterday.

Упражнение 2. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму

 (Past Simple, Present Perfect): 

1. Mary (finish) school 10 years ago.

2. He (write) a letter and now he is going to send it.

3. Last weekend they (go) to the sea.

4.When you (come)? 

5. I (not decide) yet where to go this weekend.

6. John (leave) his bag in the library last Monday.7

. Harry and Jane (buy) new TV set and now are enjoying a film.

8. His grandfather (die) when he was a child.

9.Clara (be) never abroad.10. John (not arrive) yet.  


What is Climate ??

What is climate?

The Brief Overview

Weather is a specific event—like a rainstorm or hot day—that happens over a few hours, days or weeks. Climate is the average weather conditions in a place over 30 years or more. NASA has observed that Earth's climate is getting warmer. (follow the link to learn more)

What is the greenhouse effect?

Watch the video to understand what the greenhouse effect is:




to have an influence ON somebody - оказывать влияние на
to influence somebody - влиять на 
to produce goods - производить товары
the greenhouse effect - парниковый эффект
climatic changes - климатические изменения

Stative verbs

Fill in the gaps with the verb in brackets in the present simple or continuous form. Use the simple form with stative verbs and the continuous form with dynamic verbs.

EXAMPLE: Joe believes (believe) in ghosts.

1John  (think) she is funny.

2Ali  (have) three sisters.

3It  (smell) like something is burning.

4The boys  (play) with their new toys.

5Sara  (look) like she's been crying.

6 (want) another coffee.

7We  (have) a really comfortable house.

8Alice and Peter  (need) to go to the shop.

9The shop  (be) usually very busy.

10The baby  (sleep) on the sofa.


Let's revise grammar tenses

 Д/З на 23.09.24



At home:


a degree - градус

above zero  - выше ноля

below zero - ниже ноля

It's 10 degrees above / below zero.

It's zero (degrees).

The weather game (follow the link)

At home:

Find a picture and describe a typical day for each season.

A  typical day in spring

It's usually rainy but warm in spring. Sometimes it can be sunny and cloudy. Mornings are seldom misty. The temperature is often above zero.

A  typical day in autumn???

Write the forms of the verbs ( написать формы глаголов):


Used to

Когда используют конструкцию used to 

used to используют, когда хотят рассказать о своей привычке в прошлом, т. е. действиях, которые мы регулярно совершали когда-то, но теперь уже нет. Причем это касается как плохих, так и хороших привычек.

    I used to overeat all the time. — Раньше я постоянно переедал.

    He used to be late for work, even though it threatened with dismissal. — Он раньше опаздывал на работу, несмотря на то, что это грозило увольнением.

    When I was young, I used to jog every morning and lead a healthy lifestyle. — Когда я была молодой, я бегала каждое утро и вела здоровый образ жизни.

А еще глагол used to будет полезен, чтобы рассказать об актуальных в прошлом ситуациях или действиях.

    She used to have trouble sleeping, so she had to take sleeping pills. — У нее были проблемы со сном, поэтому ей приходилось принимать снотворное.

    I used to be an artist, but it didn’t work out. — Раньше я был художником, но не сложилось.

    Our neighborhood used to be quiet until 3 new bars opened nearby. — Наш район был спокойным, пока рядом не открыли 3 новых бара.

Как строить предложения с глаголом used to  

Подлежащее + used to + Infinitive     

I used to learn Japanese. 


Подлежащее + didn’t use to + Infinitive    

 I didn’t use to learn Japanese. 


 Did + подлежащее + use to + Infinitive   

  Did you use to learn Japanese? 

 used to : потренируйся (follow the link)


Thee Weather

It's ... degrees above/below zero.

+20, -18, 0, + 1, -1, +25, -33, +8

11.09.24 Modern English

 В нескольких областях Узбекистана в пятницу установится погода без осадков

 Туманная погода в столице сохранится до конца дня 2 ноября | 02.11.2021 |  Москва - БезФормата

Владивосток после непогоды | Пикабу

 В Ивановской области 6-8 января сохранится морозная погода

1  Match the word halves 1–8 to A–H to make geographical features.

  cli   …F

















2  Complete the conversations with the words in the box.

deep     high     long     wide

1   A:   How ……high…… is the mountain?

      B:   It’s over 8,000 metres. Do you think you can climb it?

2   A:   How ……………. is the water?

      B:   It’s only 1 metre, don’t worry. You can see the bottom.

3   A:   How ……………. is the lake?

      B:   It’s about 10 metres. It won’t take long to cross it.

4   A:   How ……………. is the river?

      B:   It’s about 1,000 km. Do you want to travel all the way?


3  Find the adjectives that contain a spelling mistake and correct them.

  winddy           ……windy……

  suny                …………………

  cloudy             …………………

  icey                 …………………

  snowwy          …………………

  foggy               …………………

  rainny             …………………


 Write the nouns of the adjectives in Exercise 3.


2   …………………

3    …………………

4    …………………

5    …………………

6    …………………

7    …………………


 Find the sentences that contain a mistake. Underline and correct them.

1   He was climbing the water for hours; it took a long time to get to the top.   ……mountain……

2   They were sailing on the lake when it started to rain.   ………………..

3   Is it difficult to swim across the river?   ………………..

4   It was very cold. The island was very deep and difficult to walk through.   ………………..

5   She looked over the field, down to the water below.   ………………..

6   The farmer was working in the cliff all day.   ………………..

7   The mountain is 2 km from the mainland. There is a ferry every hour.   ………………..


 Complete the sentences. You have the first letter of each missing word.

  It was c loudy……… at the top of the mountain, we couldn’t see very far.

  Moscow is very snowy and i…………… in winter.

  When Loch Ness is f……………, you can’t see anything.

  The l…………… is very d…………… and wide, it’s dangerous to swim there.

  England is very r……………; you need to carry an umbrella all the time.

  It was very s…………… and hot; we were at the beach all day.

  It was so w…………… on the i……………, my hat blew away and I lost it.

  The r…………… is very long, over 3,000 km.

  The c…………… is really h……………; the water is about 100 metres below.


Home work: подготовиться к диктанту по этому уроку


Let us recollect the Past Simple tense:


EX:Crocodiles swam in cold rivers.

               Crocodiles didn’t swim in cold rivers.

1. Tigers ate many sweets yesterday.

2. Cats played with parrots in the past.

3. Dogs ate mice 2 days ago.

4. Crocodiles drank tea yesterday.

5. Babies spoke English.

6. The boy cleaned your room yesterday.

7. They visited your school last week.

8. You played puzzles in the park.

9. Your friend broke a pencil.

10. We had six lessons yesterday.

2.Complete the sentences:

1. You ____ school at 2 o’clock yesterday [leave].

2. She ____ to the cinema with you sister [go].

3. I ____ a tiger in the Zoo [see].

4. They _____ you in the garden [help].

5. Ann ____ home at 3 o’clock pm last Sunday [come].  

6. Children ____ TV much yesterday [watch].

7. I ____ your bag yesterday [take].

8. We ____ our homework at 5 yesterday [do].

9. Last week you ____ me your cat [give].

10. Last summer we ____ in the Black Sea [swim].

   3. Ask general questions:       

1. His cats drank much milk yesterday.

2. You got ‘’5’’ at the last English lesson.

3. Her classmate played tennis last summer.

4. Children drank mineral water at the last summer.

5. Our sister wrote many tests.

6. My uncle bought a car last winter.

7. Nick went to school 2 years ago.

8. Policemen worked last Sunday.

9. You enjoyed my party last month.

10. Your mother helped you yesterday.  


4. Fill in WAS or WERE:

It ____ cold yesterday.

The teachers ____ at the disco.

My friend and I ____ in Moscow.

Nick ____ at the stadium.

The tiger ____ at the Zoo last year.

Her room ____ dirty yesterday.

It ____ Sunday yesterday.

We ____ near the lake.

I ____ at the café yesterday.

You ____ at the coffee shop last Sunday.

5. Write what you did/didn't do  in the summer:
1. I (get up)   at 11 o’ clock every day.
2. I (clean) my teeth early in the morning.
3.  I (have) breakfast at 12 o’ clock.
4. I (go)for a walk every day.
5. I (do) my homework after school.
6. I (go) to school every day.

6. Write what you did/ didn't do yesterday:
1.      I (visit) an exhibition.
2.      I (speak) French.
3.      I (meet) my friends
4.      I (go) to the National Gallery
5.      I (write) a letter to my friends.
6. I (help) my parents to clean the flat/house.

7. Complete the sentences:
  • He (to drink) coffee every day
  • She (not to go) to the movies yesterday
  • They (to be) at home now?
  • I (to be) at the restaurant a week ago
  • We (not to study) regularly
  • They (to shake) hands a few minutes ago?
  • I (to be) a good boy
  • He (not to be) very shy a year ago
  • She (to study) at 9 o'clock?
  • He (to walk) in the park an hour ago
  • They (not to be) nice friends
  • We (to be) there on Monday?
  • I often (to water) flowers
  • She (not to talk) to him a few days ago
  • He (to be) an engineer?
  • I (to be) the best student 5 years ago
  • 8. Ask questions
    We watched a very interesting film at the cinema yesterday. (Did?  Where? 
    When? Who?)
    My friend baked a cake at home last week. (Who? What? Why? Where? When?
     With whom?)

    At home:

    Put the verbs into the correct form.

    1. 1.Danny and Pam __________ (go) to the shopping mall every Sunday.
    2. 2.Lucy ___________ (finish) her homework 2 hours ago.
    3. 3.I always ______________ (do) my homework.
    4. 4.I _____________ (eat) hamburger yesterday.
    5. 5.She often _________ (drink) tea in the morning.
    6. 6.I _____________ (swim) in the sea last summer.
    7. 7.Mom ______________ (walk) the dog yesterday.
    8. 8.Children sometimes ______________ (wash) the dishes.
    9. 9.My friends ________________ (visit) me every day.
    10. 10.Rosy _______________ (write) the Math test 2 days ago.
    11. 11.We _____________ (not learn) the rule yesterday.
    12. 12.Sam ______________ (not read) every day.
    13. 13.Ruby and Rudy _______ often ________ (not walk) together.
    14. 14.Dan and Tom _______________ (not see) me 2 days ago.
    15. 15.He ______________ (not drive) the car on Sundays.
    16. 16.Mary ________________ (not buy) a house last year.
    17. 17.__________ you __________ (sing) a song yesterday?
    18. 18.__________ children __________ (wear) the uniform?
    19. 19.__________ Robert usually __________ (draw) well?
    20. 20._________ you __________(find) a teacher 2 lessons ago?
    21. 21.________ Perry ____________ (like) his parents?
    22. 22. _______ William and Sally _______ (meet) last weekends?

    Train Present/Past Simple Tenses + rules (follow the link)

    Form 6 Unit 1 Complete the sentences:

    Variant 1

    1. She works at a bank, and she (go)  to work every day.

    2. They usually read books, but last night, they (watch)  a movie.

    3. I play the guitar in my free time, and I always (enjoy)  it.

    4. He likes to eat pizza, and he (eat)  it last week.

    5. We often (visit)  our grandparents on Sundays.

    6. She worked at a bakery when she (move)  to a different city.

    7. They read a great novel last week, and they really (like)  it.

    8. He played football with his friends last Saturday, and they (have)  a lot of fun.

    9. I watched an interesting documentary last night, and it (be)  very exciting.

    10. The sun shines brightly in the sky, and the weather (be)  perfect for a picnic.

    Variant 2

    1. She usually (go) to the gym in the evening, but yesterday she (stay)  at home.

    2. I usually (have)  a cup of coffee every morning/

    3. Last year they (move)  to Paris.

    4. He (play)  the guitar very well.

    5. We usually (visit)  the museum every summer/

    6. The train (leave)  at 8 AM yesterday and we (arrive)  at our destination at noon.

    7. She usually (read)  a book in the park.

    8.Yesterday she (watch)  a movie at home.

    8. I (study)  English every day, and last week I (take)  a language test.

    9. They (usually/celebrate)  their holiday in a restaurant.

    10. Our cat always (sleep)  all day because she is rather old.


    Phrasal verb To MAKE

    Words for dictation (25/05/19)

    Let's learn to describe pictures: 

    Some useful phrases for picture description:
    I'd like to describe this picture.
    In the foreground (передний план) of the picture you can see ....
    In the background (на заднем плане) of the picture there is/are ... .
    The ... is/are -ing. He /she/they is/are posing (not posing) to the camera. (He/She enjoys ... )They enjoy what they are doing because they are smiling/ they look happy ... .The weather is ... . The sun is shining brightly/ (it is going to rain/ snow)/
    I like this picture because it is full of positive emotions (pleasant memories).
    It reminds me of my childhood (my last visit to my Granny, my friends , my hobby, my pet etc...).

    Meet George Washington, the 1st US President

    Watch the video about George Washington, what new facts have you learnt? Write them down.

    Темы для устного высказывания для учащихся 6-х классов

    Card № 1  

    You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. 

    Remember to say:  

    - what your typical school day is like; 

     - what your favourite subject is, and why; 

     - what you like most about your school.  


    Card № 2 

     You are going to give a talk about William Shakespeare. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. 

    Remember to say

    - what you know about William Shakespeare;   

    - why he left for London;  

    - what works by Shakespeare you know.  

    Card № 3 

    You are going to give a talk about the UK. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.

     Remember to say: 

    - where the UK is situated and what it is washed by; 

    - what parts the UK consists of and what their capitals and symbols are; 

    - who the power in the country belongs to.


    Card № 4 

    You are going to give a talk about London. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. 

    Remember to say:

     - why lots of tourists visit London every year; 

    -  what the most popular sights of London are; 

    - what sights of London you would like to visit.  

    Card № 5 

    You are going to give a talk about the USA. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. 

     Remember to say:

     -  what you know about the geographical position of the USA; 

    -  how many states there are in the USA; 

    -  what official symbols you know.  

    Card № 6  

    You are going to give a talk about the USA. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. 

    Remeber to say

     - what the highest law of the country is;  

    - what the political system of the USA is like; 

    - who the head of the state in the USA is. 


    Card № 7 

     You are going to give a talk about Australia. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. 

    Remember to say

    - what you know about the geographical position of Australia; 

    - what attracts thousands of tourists there;

    - what you would like to see in person, why.  

    Card № 8 

    You are going to give a talk about the town you live in. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than  2 minutes. 

    Remember to say:

     - what the name of the town you live in is and what it is famous for; 

    - what you know about the history of your town;

    -  what your favourite place in the town is, why. 


    Card №  9 

    You are going to give a talk about England. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.  

    Remember to say:  

    - where England is situated and what parts it consists of;

     - what symbols of England you know; 

    -  why England is visited by millions of tourists. 

    Card № 10

    You are going to give a talk about Scotland. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. 

    Remember to say

    -  where Scotland is situated and what parts it consists of;

    - what symbols of Scotland you know;

     -  why Scotland is visited by millions of tourists.

    Card № 11  

    You are going to give a talk about your family. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.  

    Remember to say

     - what you can tell about your family, how big it is;  

     - what you like doing together; 

     - if you have got any family traditions. 

    Card № 12

    You are going to give a talk about Wales. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes. 

    Remember to say

    - where Wales is situated and what parts it consists of;

     - what symbols of Wales you know;  

    - why Wales is visited by millions of tourists. 

    Card № 13 

    You are going to give a talk about health.You wil have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes. 

    Remember to say

     - if it is important to be healthy; 

    - if you go in for sport, what your favourite kind of sport is; 

     - what you would recommend children to do if they want to be healthy. 

     Card № 14 

     You are going to give a talk about ecology. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. 

    Remember to say

      - what you know about ecology; 

     -  if our planet needs protection;

     - what should be done to save our planet. 

    Card № 15

    You are going  to give a talk about climate and weather. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. 

    Remember to say:  

     - what types of climate you know; 

    - why different parts of the world have different climate; 

    - people of what professions are interested in weather forecasts and why . 

    card 3 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 

    I'd like to give a talk about the UKThe full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The country is situated in the British Isles. So, the UK is an island state. The two main islands are Great Britain and Ireland. The two islands are separated by the Irish Sea. The UK is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Straits of Dover. The UK is also washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and by the North Sea in the east.   A3 Laminated UK Counties Map Educational Poster

       The UK consists of four parts which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. The flag of the United Kingdom is known as the Union Jack. It is made up of three crosses: the cross of St. George (the patron saint of England), the cross of St. Andrew (the patron saint of Scotland) and the cross of St. Patrick (the patron saint of Ireland). 

     In Britain the Queen is the head of state, but in fact, she doesn't rule the country as she has no power. The Queen is the symbol of the country, its history and traditions. She travels about the United Kingdom, meets different people and visits schools, hospitals and other special places. The Queen of Great Britain is also the Head of the Commonwealth and the Queen of Canada, Australia and New Zealand. 

    But the real power in the UK belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government. The British Parliament has two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The members of the House of Commons are elected. The British people elect 650 members of the House of Commons every five years. The members of the House of Lords are not elected, they are selected. These members are permanent. 

    That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening

    Card №14 
    You are to give a talk about ecology.  

    Remember to say:  

     - what you know about ecology; 

     - if our planet needs protection; 

    -  what should be done to save our planet.  

        I'd like to give a talk about ecology. What do people understand by it? Ecology is the study of the ways in which organisms (plants and animals)depend upon each other and upon their surroundings. Each organism requires conditions in order to be able to live. These conditions are its environment which is changing all the time. The environment is getting worse and worse because of the pollution. 

        So, pollution is one of the most burning problems of nowadays. Now millions of chimneys, cars, buses, trucks all over the world release fumes and harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. These chemicals pollute everything: air, land, water, birds, animals and people. So, it is usually hard to breathe in the large cities where there are lots of plants.  Another kind of pollution is water pollution. Rivers and lakes, seas and oceans are polluted with factory waste. Fish and other sea creatures can't survive in such poisoned water.  Another ecological problem is deforestation. People are constantly cutting down trees, they are destroying animals and birds' natural habitats. So, a lot of species of animals are becoming extinct. If people in different countries continue in this way, we will lose our natural environment and will have nothing to live on. 

        Our planet needs protection. Governments and politicians of different countries should take steps to prevent pollution of all kinds and protect the Earth and all the organisms. People should stop pollution.There are organisations which protect the environment. Greenpeace is one of them. It is an international environmental organisation. It was founded in 1969 by a group of Canadian environmentalists. Members of Greenpeace appear in the places where the environment is endangered. For example, they block the way to the ships that try to dump waste, and work hard to create a nuclear-free world. 

        I think not only members of environmental organisations can protect the Earth. Everyone can plant trees and save water and other resources. People mustn't pollute rivers and land. People mustn't cut down rainforests which are the lungs of our planet. People must think of and develop new eco-friendly technologies. Only in this way our planet can survive. 

        That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening. 


    Card №15 

    Give a talk about climate and weather.  

    Remember to say

     - what types of climate you know;  

    - why different parts of the world have different types of climate;  

    - people of what professions are interested in weather forecasts and why. 

         I'd like to give a talk about climate and weather. Weather and climate are different. Weather is a short period description of the air in an area measured by temperature, precipitation (осадки), humidity (влажность), wind, and other factors. Climate is the weather conditions in an area over a long period of time. There are 12 different types of climate found on the Earth. Climates in the same category are found in the same area. I know the names of some of them. They are tropical rainy climates, dry climates, mild humid climates, cold polar climates, the Mediterranean climate, oceanic climate, and subarctic climate. Our region has the continental climate. 

        Different parts of the world have different climates because of the distance from the sea, distance from the equator, height above the sea level, directions of the winds, humidity and rainfall. 

    Nowadays all of us are interested in weather forecasts. But people who work outdoors are interested in weather forecasts most of all. Among them are football players, gardeners, drivers, builders, pilots, sailors. If weathermen predict rainy or stormy weather, football matches and flights are delayed. A gardener won't work about the garden if the rainstorm starts. Besides, climbers, hikers and cyclists can't continue their hike or ride if it is rainy or stormy outside. 

    That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.


    Card № 8
    You are going to give a talk about the town you live in. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than  2 minutes.
    Remember to say:
     - what the name of the town you live in is and what it is famous for;
    - what you know about the history of your town; 
    what your favourite place in the town is, why.

         I'd like to speak about Kemerovo, which is the capital of Kuzbass that is the administrative centre of Kemerovo Oblast. I've been living in this city all my life since I was born and I am proud of living here as Kemerovo is not only a large industrial city but also a cultural centre with a number of theatres, cinemas, museums and even the Philarmonic Society. Besides, there are a few sports centers and numerous sports and fitness clubs in Kemerovo
    Kemerovo is located on the Tom River, east-northeast of Novosibirsk, in the major coal mining region of the Kuznetsk Basin. The population of Kemerovo is over 500 thousand people. It is located 3,482 kilometers east of Moscow.Kemerovo's position gives it a continental climate with average temperatures between -18 degrees in January to +20 degrees in July. 

    The original name of the city was Shcheglovsk. In 1932, Shcheglovsk was renamed Kemerovo and became the administrative centre of KemerovoOblast in 1943. As for my favourite place in the city, it is KomsomolskyPark where I always go for a walk with my friends.


    I'd like to say that  Kemerovo is really a city where one can find everything to their tastes and interests. There are some places here which are worth visiting. One of them is Vesenyaya Street. It is especially beautiful in spring and summer. It is our citizens' favourite walking area. 

    I think I will continue living in Kemerovo as it is a well-developed city. 

    Card №  9

    You are going to give a talk about England. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. 
    Remember to say: 
    - where England is situated and what parts it consists of;
     - what symbols of England you know;
    -  why England is visited by millions of tourists.

         I'd like to give a talk about EnglandEngland is part of the UKand one of the three countries situated on the greater of the two British Isles - Great Britain. It borders on Scotland in the north and onWales in the west. The Irish sea lies northwest of England and theCeltic Sea lies to the southwest. England is separated from continental Europe by the North Sea to the east and  the English Channel to the south. England consists of five regions. They are the Southeast, the Southwest, East Anglia, the Midlands and the North of England. The Southeast is a highly populated region of England.London, the capital of the UK, and such historical cities as Windsor,Dover and Brighton are situated here. The Southwest is the region where the main activity is farming. The famous Stonehenge is situated there. East Anglia is another farming region. East Anglia is isolated from the rest of Britain: it is more than half surrounded by the sea. The Midlands is known as the heart of England. It is the largest industrial part of the country. Besides, the two famous cities, Stratford-upon-Avon and Oxford are situated there. The North of England has both the wildest parts of the country and some of the busiest industrial cities.
     England has got its official symbols. They are the English flag and the Royal Banner of England. The national flag of England is known as St George's Cross. St George is the patron saint of England. The Royal Banner of England is the English banner of arms. The Tudor rose is a national emblem of England. It symbolises peace.
     England is a beautiful country and a country with a great past, that's why it is visited by millions of tourists.

    Card № 10

    You are going to give a talk about Scotland. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.

    Remember to say:

    -  where Scotland is situated and what parts it consists of;

    - what symbols of Scotland you know;

     -  why Scotland is visited by millions of tourists.

         I'd like to give a talk about ScotlandScotland is part of the United Kingdom. It is situated on the greater of the British Isles - Great Britain to the north of England. The country is divided into Highlands and Lowlands. The capital of the country is Edinburgh. There is another important city in Scotland. It is GlasgowGlasgow is the largest and busiest town in ScotlandEdinburgh is known as theAthens of the North. It is an ancient city where you can feel history at every step. Edinburgh is famous for its Castle. The Castle looks just like a castle in a fairy tale. It attracts a lot of tourists.

        I know some symbols of Scotland. One of them is the thistle. The patron saint of Scotland is St. Andrew, so the national flag of Scotlandhas the cross of St.Andrew on it. Another symbol is the Royal Banner of Scotland. It is called the Lion Rampant. The National Anthem of Scotland is Flower of Scotland. 

        Scotland is visited by millions of tourists every year as it is a really beautiful country with picturesque scenery and famous sights. Among the sights is Holyrood House that is a big royal palace which is the residence of the Queen when she is in Edinburgh. I would like to visitScotland to see the famous Edinburgh military tattoo. It is a festival of performances that started in 1947. 
    That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

    Card № 11 

    You are going to give a talk about your family. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. 

    Remember to say:

     - what you can tell about your family, how big it is; 

     - what you like doing together;

     - if you have got any family traditions.  


        I'd like to give a talk about my family. Our family is not large. There are five of us. I've got a mother, a father and a sister. Besides, my grandmother (my mother's mother) lives with us. My granny's name is .... .... .She is the oldest member of our family. She is about  sixty but she looks much younger. She is fond of gardening. When she was younger, she worked as a History teacher. My granny often helps me with my homework. My mother's name is .... . She is about 40 but she also looks much younger. My mum is tall and very beautiful. She works as a fitness instructor. Besides, she is fond of travelling. My father's name is  ..... .... . He is a process engineer at one of Kemerovo plants. My dad is also tall. He is a sporty person. He is fond of hiking, climbing and whitewater rafting. When he is on holiday, he always goes whitewater rafting on the Katun river. My sister's name is ...... .She is four years older than I am. She is a high school student. she is very good at languages. Besides, she is fond of singing and dancing. 

       As for me, I am a student now. I am a sixth former. I am fond of sports. My   favourite kind of sport is swimming. I go to the swimming pool twice a week. 

       It's worth saying we are a friendly family. We like going shopping together. We always plan our shopping beforehand.  We've got our family traditions. One of them is celebrating public and family holidays together. My favourite holiday is New Year. My granny and mum always prepare a tasty holiday dinner. My dad brings a beautiful New Year tree and we all decorate it on the 30th of December. Another tradition is going travelling in summer. We have already visited some countries. We have been toTurkeyThailand and Vietnam. I am proud of my family.

    That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

    Card № 13
    You are going to give a talk about health.You wil have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
    Remember to say:
     - if it is important to be healthy;
    - if you go in for sport, what your favourite kind of sport is;
     - what you would recommend children to do if they want to be healthy.

         I'd like to give a talk about health. They say, "Health is above wealth". It is really so because if a person stays healthy, he or she can do a lot of things successfully and in the right way. A healthy person can do any work well, can develop his or her talents and can become a good specialist and a happy human.    
    As for me, I do morning exercises, take a cold shower and do some sports. I play volleyball, tennis and football. Besides, I am fond of dancing. I am going to become a professional dancer and perform on the stage. Moreover, I like watching different sport competitions on TV. My favourite kind of sport is tennis. I am fond of watching international tennis championships on TV.
     If you asked me, I would recommend children to remember some good rules if they want to be healthy. You should get up early and go to bed early to keep feet and stay healthy. You should take regular exercises. You should take a cool or cold shower. You should eat healthy food with a lot of vitamins. You shouldn't eat fat food or too many sweets. You should keep to a diet of vegetables and fruit. You shouldn't smoke. You should clean your teeth every morning and every evening. You shouldn't sit in front of your computer or TV not to spoil your eyesight. You should see the doctor regularly to check your blood pressure, your lungs and your eyes, ears, throat and nose.
    That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

    Card № 7

     You are to give a talk about Australia.

    Remember to say:

     - what you know about the geographical position of Australia

     - what attracts thousands of tourists there;

    - what you would like to see in person, why.

     I' d like to give a talk about Australia. To start with, Australia is a unique country. Some people think it is a continent, some say it is the largest island. Besides, Australia is an independent country.

    Asia is the continent nearest to Australia in the north. Antarctica lies to the south. New Zealand is to the east. Australia is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the east and by the Indian Ocean in the west.
     I'd like to say that Australia is the land of striking differences. More than 50 per cent of the land is desert - dry and uninhabited. Most people live on the narrow coasts of the east and southeast. Main cities are also situated there. The capital of Australia is Canberra. The largest city is Sydney.
     Australia is divided into 6 states and 2 territories. They are New South WalesVictoriaQueenslandWestern AustraliaSouth AustraliaTasmania, the island state, Northern TerritoryCanberra, the capital of Australia, doesn't belong to any state. It is situated on the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
     Thousands of tourists visit Australia every year because, firstly, its unique geographical position and climate let some unusual animals and plants live and grow there. Some of  them are the duckbill (or the platypus), the kangaroo, the koala, the dingo, the emu, the kookaburra, the eucalyptus. Secondly, there are some beautiful modern cities, such as SydneyCanberraMelbourneAdelaide,Brisbane. The most famous sight is Sydney Opera House.
     I'd like to visit this country because I would like to see all the unusual animals and birds in person. Besides, I'd like to listen to Australian English speakers. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

    Card № 1  

    You are going to give a talk about your school

    Remember to say:  

    - what your typical school day is like;  

    - what your favourite subject is, and why; 

    what you like most about your school.     

    I'd like to give a talk about my typical school day. My typical school day starts at 6.30. I get up, go to the bathroom, take a shower and get dressed. I usually have a cup of tea or coffee, eat some porridge or salad. I often take an apple or an orange with me. I eat them at school later. My school is far from my place, that's why I usually take a bus and go to the school. It takes me 15 minutes to get to the school. My first class starts at 8 a.m. We often have 6 classes. There are 4 breaks 15 miunutes each. After the third class we have lunch at our school canteen. I often eat some salad, porridge or potatoes with meat or fish. 

    As for my favourite subject, it is Literature. I like it because, firstly, I am fond of reading stories, novels and poems by Russian and foreign authors. Secondly, our Literature teacher is a very interesting person. She knows her subject well. I like listening to her talk. She always tells us something interesting. 

    Most of all, I like to meet my friends at school. We often talk, discuss news and laugh a lot. I get along with all of my classmates well. We sometimes go to the cinema or theatre together. Besides, I've got my best friend here. Her name is ... . I always invite her to my birthday party and we have fun. 

    That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.


    Card №  2

    Give a talk about William Shakespeare.  


    Remember to say:


     - what you know about William Shakespeare

     -  why he left for London

     - what works by Shakespeare you know.  

         I'd like to tell you about William Shakespeare, a famous English poet and dramatist. William Shakespeare was born on the 23rd of April in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His mother was a daughter of a farmer. His father was a glove-maker. William went to a grammar school in Stratford. There he learned to love reading. William married Anne Hathaway, a farmer's daughter, who was some years older than he was. William and Anne had three children - Susannah, Hamnet and Judith. 

       In 1587, though he was married, William left his family and went to work in London. Nobody knows exactly why he did it. Some people say that the reason was his desire to act and stage plays. But there is another story which says that he had to run away from law because he had killed some deer belonging to a rich man.  In London William began to act and to write plays. Soon he became an important member of a well-known acting company. Most of his plays were performed in the Globe Theatre. In 1613 he stopped writing and went to live in Stratford where he died in 1616. 

       Shakespeare wrote not only plays but also beautiful sonnets. Among his plays are both tragedies and comedies. The most famous of them are "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet", "Othello", "King Lear", "As You like It", "Twelfth Night", "A Midsummer Night's Dream". I haven't read Shakespeare's plays in the original yet. But I hope I will be able to understand them soon. 

    That's all I wanted to say. Thank  you for listening.

    Card № 4 
    You are to give a talk about London.
    Remember to say:  
     - why lots of tourists visit London every year;
     - what the most popular sights of London are;
     - what sights of London you would like to visit.

    I' d like to give a talk about LondonLondon is the largest city and the capital of the United Kingdom. It is situated on the bank of the riverThames. Millions of tourists visit this city every year because it is, firstly, an old city which has seen a lot of historical events and, secondly, it is a modern city with a lot of attractions and world's famous shopping centres. Though it is an old city, it has become the world's leading business, financial, and cultural centre. In fact, it is a global city.  Besides, London has got some famous tourist attractions, such as the Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, London Eye, St. Paul's Cathedral and many others. If you are going on a tour of London, you should visit the Tower of Londonfirst. It is one of the most famous fortresses in the world. It has been a fortress, a palace, a prison, a mint, a zoo. Now it is a museum. Another worth visiting attraction here is the London Eye. It is the world's highest observation wheel and offers exciting views of over 55London's most famous places. Moreover, London has got a large number of parks and gardens. Hyde Park is one of them.     As for me, I would like to visit the National Gallery which houses the greatest collection of paintings in the world. And, naturally, I would like to ride on the London Eye. Finally, I would like to do the shopping at Oxford Street, which is the longest shopping street in the world.
    That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

    Образец устного высказывания по билету №6 
    "США. Политическое устройство" 
    для учащихся 6-х классов от 10 апреля 2019 года    
     Card № 6    
    You are to give a talk about the USA.
     Remember to say:  
      - what the highest law of the country is;  
      -   what the political system of the USA is like;  
      -  who the head of the state in the USA is.      
         I'd like to give a talk about the political system of the USA. The USA consists of fifty states. The highest law of the country is the Constitution. It was adopted inPhiladelphia in 1787. The Constitution describes the powers of the national government and the powers of the state governments.   
      The US government is like a tree with a strong trunk and three branches. The trunk is the people. It holds up the tree. People choose the men who make American laws. The first branch on the tree of government is the Congress. The Congress is a meeting of representatives from all states. The people elect those representatives. The Congress makes the laws that everybody must obey.     The Congress is divided into two parts, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Every state sends two people to the Senate. These people are senators. There are 100 senators in the Senate. A senator's term is 6 years. Each state also sends people to the House of Representatives. They are called congressmen or congresswomen. All in all there are 435 congressmen in the House of Representatives. A representative's term is two years. One important power of the Congress is the power to declare war. 
    The second branch of government in the US is the President and its helpers. They carry out the laws that the Congress makes. The President signs bills and then they become laws. The President's term is 4 years, and one can be President for one or two terms. Americans vote for the president in November of every leap year.  
    The third branch of government is the Supreme Court. There are 9 judges in it. They have to make sure that the President and the Congress follow the Constitution. The judges work in the Supreme court as long as they live.
     The people of the USA can change the Constitution. Changes in the Constitution are called amendments. There are 27 amendments to the Constitution. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are called the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights guarantees to people of the USA freedom of press, freedom of religion, the right to go to court, have a lawyer, and some others. 
    That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening. 

    Образец устного высказывания по билету № 5 

    "США. География и символы"

     для учащихся  6-х классов от 3 апреля 2019 года

      Card № 5    

     You are to give a talk about the USA.  

    Remember to say:  

     -  what you know about the geographical position of the USA; 

     - how many states there are in the USA;  

     - what official symbols you know.  

        I'd like to give a talk about the USA. The USA is the 4th largest country in the world. It is situated in central North America, between Canada (in the north) and Mexico (in the south). The USA has a sea-border with Russia. The USA is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, by the Carribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico in the south. In the north are Great Lakes.  The size of the country is really very large. Thanks to its size, the country has almost every kind of climate, scenery and people. One can see rocky coasts, dry empty deserts, big rivers, wide plains and grasslands, lakes of all sizes, high mountains, great forests, sunny beaches, lands of endless winter. There are a lot of parks, and wildlands where you can enjoy the beauty and power of wild America. The Grand Canyon, Yosemity Valley, and Yellowstone are among them. The longest river is the Mississippi.  The famous mountain chains are the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians.

        There are 50 states in the USA. Two of these states, Alaska and Hawaii, are not connected to the other states. The capital of the USA is Washington, D.C. It is situated on a special territory which doesn't belong to any state - District of Columbia. 

       I know some official symbols of the country. One of them is the eagle. It holds arrows and an olive branch. The olive branch and arrows are symbols for the power of peace and war. The eagle symbolizes power.  Another symbol is the American flag. It is called "The Stars and Stripes". The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states of the United States of America, and the 13 stripes represent the 13 British colonies that declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain, and became the first states in the US. There is another symbol. It is the Statue of Liberty. It is situated on Liberty Island in New York Harbour in New York City. It was the gift from the people of France to the people of the United States. The statue became an icon of freedom and of the United States.  

    I'd like to visit the USA because the country is full of natural wonders. Besides, there are a lot of great cities where one can see many attractions.

     That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening. 

    Образец устного высказывания 

    по билету № 12 "Уэльс" для учащихся 6-х классов 


    Card  № 12 

    Caernafon  Castle 

    Give a talk on Wales

    Remember to say:  

     - where Wales is situated and what parts it consists of;


     - what symbols of Wales you know; 

    -  why Wales is visited by millions of tourists.

         I' d like to give a talk about Wales. 

    It is a country that is


    part of theUnited Kingdom and the island of Great 

    Britain. It borders on England in the east, is washed by the Irish Sea in the north and

     west and the Bristol Channel in the south. Wales has got a lot of mountains. The


    highest mountain is Snowdon. The country has a changeable maritime climate. It is

     divided into South Wales and North Wales. The south  of the country is more

     populated than the north. Two-thirds of the population live in and around Cardiff, its

     capital and largest city. There are two official languages - Welsh and English. One of 

    the national symbols of Wales is the flag with the Red Dragon on it. The national

     flower is the daffodil, the patron saint is St. David, the national anthem is "Land of 

    my Fathers". The dragon symbolizes power and strength.

        Lots of tourists visit Wales every year. There are several reasons for it. Firstly, you

     must visit Cardiff with its beautiful castle. Secondly, you should travel

     to Snowdonia with its beautiful range of mountains and hills. The most famous peak

     is Snowdon. Snowdonia National Park is also one of the most popular hiking and 

    climbing destinations in Britain. You must also see Caenarfon Castle. It is one of the 

    largest castles in the country. Besides, you can go to Llandudno, it is the largest 

    seaside resort town inWales

    That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

    Card № 3  

    You are to give a talk about the UK

    Remember to say:    

    - where the UK is situated and what it is washed by;  

    - what parts the UK consisits of and what their capitals are; 

    - who the power in the country belongs to.   

     I'd like to give a talk about the UK. The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The country is situated in the British Isles. So, the UK is an island state. The two main islands are Great Britain and Ireland. The two islands are separated by the Irish Sea. The UK is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Straits of Dover. The UK is also washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and by the North Sea in the east.   

       The UK consists of four parts which are EnglandScotlandWalesand Northern Ireland. Their capitals are LondonEdinburghCardiffand Belfast. The flag of the United Kingdom is known as the Union Jack. It is made up of three crosses: the cross of St. George (the patron saint of England), the cross of St. Andrew (the patron saint ofScotland) and the cross of St. Patrick (the patron saint of Ireland). 

     In Britain the Queen is the head of state, but in fact, she doesn't rule the country as she has no power. The Queen is the symbol of the country, its history and traditions. She travels about the United Kingdom, meets different people and visits schools, hospitals and other special places. The Queen of Great Britain is also the Head of the Commonwealth and the Queen of CanadaAustralia and New Zealand

    But the real power in the UK belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government. The British Parliament has two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The members of the House of Commons are elected. The British people elect 650 members of the House of Commons every five years. The members of the House of Lords are not elected, they are selected. These members are permanent. 

    That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening

    16.02.19/ 18.02.19  Learn the derivatives to write, translate:

    invite - invitation

    visit- visitor















    06.02.19 Complex object + инфинитив с частицей to

    Конструкция Complex object + инфинитив с частицей to употребляется после глаголов:

    Complex object – инфинитив с частицей to

    Запоминаем глаголы want, would like, expect!!!

    Complex object + инфинитив без частицы to

    Конструкция Complex object + инфинитив без частицы to
     употребляется после глаголов MAKE– заставлять и LET
     – позволять, разрешать
    • Don’t make me drink milk, I hate it! – Не заставляй меня пить молоко, я его ненавижу!
    • In my childhood my parents made me learn to play the piano В детстве родители заставляли меня учиться играть на пианино.
    • Let the children play in the park, the weather is wonderful. – Разрешите детям поиграть в парке, погода великолепная. 
    • Don’t let her go there alone, she may get lost. – Не позволяйте ей идти туда одной, она может заблудиться.
    Если глаголы MAKE и  LET стоят в пассиве (to be allowed 

    - позволять, to be made - заставлять) частица TO 


    I was allowed to watch the film. - Мне позволили посмотреть фильм.

    He was made to do his homework.- Его заставили сделать домашнюю работу.

    Write the exercises:

    Сomplex Object (LET, MAKE) SB pp 36-37

    Упражнение 1. Fill in the correct form of the Infinitive to make Complex Object.
    1. Our teacher made us _______ (do) this exercise all over again.
    2. The teacher wants us _______ (rewrite) the test.
    3. Please, let me _______ (know) when your sister returns from Paris.
    4. I expect your story _______ (be) very unusual and interesting.
    5. Nick doesn’t want me _______ (tell) everybody this news.
    6. I let the cat _______ (drink) my milk.
    7. I would like you _______ (be) very accurate and attentive.
    Упражнение 2. Open the brackets and use the Complex Object.
    1. Do you want (they / stay) at the hotel?
    2. I would like (the professor / read) my report.
    3. We expect(he /be) an honest person.
    4. I would like (Mum / buy a new dress)on Sunday.
    5. He doesn’t want (they / be late) for dinner.
    Упражнение 3. Choose the correct ending of the sentences.
    • The doctor wanted the patient …
    1. to be examined
    2. to examine
    3. examined
    4. being examined
    • Noone expected him … to the party.
    1. coming
    2. come
    3. came
    4. to come
    • I want him ... article  in November.
    1. publish
    2. be published
    3. to publish
    4. publishing
    • We didn’t want her ... my speech.
    1. to be interrupted
    2. to interrupt
    3. interrupt
    4. interrupting

    H/T for 31/01/19

    Form 6 Lesson 13 Fill in the new words from the box:

    Prosperous, struck, trade, grave, smart, devotion, modest, rock, picturesque, bury, busy, concentrate, military

    1. Bob … his enemy in the face. 2. He has got a lot of medals but he is too … to wear them. 3. To … is to put a dead body into a grave. 4. When the weather is fine, it is usually difficult to … on work. 5. Their son can  read well, he is a very …  boy. 6. A … person is rich and successful. 7. You can easily see his … to his parents. 8. Main streets in cities are usually very … . 9. Our cottage is situated in a very … place. 10. International … is a process of selling or buying goods between countries.

    Royal London

    Christmas and New Year Congratulations

    Похожее изображение
    Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, May you be blessed this Christmas with peace and love all day! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    May the colors of the New Year fireworks fill up your next 365 days with warmth and color.
    May this New Year be as adorable and cute as you are for a sweetie pie like you deserves all that and much more.
    May special blessings brightly shine 
    On those who dear to you, 
    And may the Christmas magic love 
    Be with you all year through!

    On Christmas everyone remembers 
    Best friends and loved ones too - 

    So naturally, my loving thoughts 
    And greetings go to you!

    Christmas time is almost here 
    So spread to all a little cheer!

    Merry Christmas to you, 
    May your season be bright, 
    And may countless blessings 
    Be yours on this night!

    The time has come to have some rest, 
    At Christmas may your life be blessed!

    Free Christmas ecard with short poem

    It's Christmas Time !!!

    Get ready for the Battle - Christmas Songs !!!
    Santa Claus is Coming to Town

    You better watch out
    You better not cry
    Better not pout
    I'm telling you why
    Santa Claus is coming to town
    He's making a list
    He's checking it twice;
    He's gonna find out who's naughty or nice
    Santa Claus is coming to town
    He sees you when you're sleeping
    He knows when you're awake
    He knows when you've been bad or good
    So be good for goodness sake!
    You better watch out!
    You better not cry
    Better not pout
    I'm telling you why
    Santa Claus is coming to town
    You better watch out!
    You better not cry
    You better not pout
    I'm telling you why
    Santa Claus is coming to town
    He's making a list
    And checking it twice;
    He's gonna find out who's naughty and nice
    Santa Claus is coming to town

     Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

    You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen,
    you know Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen,
    But do you recall
    The most famous reindeer of all
    Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
    Had a very shiny nose
    And if you ever saw it
    You would even say it glows
    All of the other reindeer
    Used to laugh and call him names
    They never let poor Rudolph
    Join in any reindeer games
    Then one foggy Christmas Eve,
    Santa came to say,
    Rudolph with your nose so bright,
    Won't you guide my sleigh tonight

    Frosty the Snowman

    Frosty the Snowman
    Was a jolly happy soul
    With a corn-cob pipe and a button nose
    And two eyes made out of coal
    Frosty the Snowman
    Is a fairy tale they say
    He was made of snow
    But the children know
    How he came to life one day
    There must have been some magic
    In that old silk hat they found
    For when they placed it on his head
    He began to dance around
    Frosty the Snowman
    Was alive as he could be
    And the children say
    He could laugh and play
    Just the same as you and me
    Frosty the Snowman
    Knew the sun was hot that day
    So he said, "Let's run
    And we'll have some fun
    Now before I melt away"
    Down to the village
    With a broomstick in his hand
    Running here and there

    Deck the halls

    Deck the halls with boughs of holly
    Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
    'Tis the season to be jolly
    Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
    Don we now our gay apparel
    Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
    Troll the ancient Yule-tide carol
    Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

    See the blazing Yule before us
    Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
    Strike the harp and join the chorus
    Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
    Follow me in merry measure
    Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
    While I tell of Yule-tide treasure
    Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

    Fast away the old year passes
    Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
    Hail the new year, lads and lasses
    Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
    Sing we joyous, all together
    Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
    Heedless of the wind and weather
    Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
    He has a red, red coat

    He has a red, red coat
    And a red, red hat,
    His boots are black
    And he carries a sack.
    He has a twinkle in his eye
    And a friendly smile,
    And his name is Santa Claus

    One more time!

    He has a red, red coat
    And a red, red hat,
    His boots are black
    And he carries a sack.
    He has a twinkle in his eye
    And a friendly smile,
    And his name is Santa Claus

    Let's hear it again now ...

    And his name is Santa Claus.

    Rockin' around the Christmas tree

    Rockin' around the Christmas tree,
    at the christmas party hop,
    Mistletoe hung where you can see,
    Every couple tries to stop.

    Rockin' around the Christmas tree,
    Let the Christmas spirit ring,
    Later we'll have some pumpkin pie,
    And we'll do some caroling.

    You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear,
    Voices singing,
    "Let's be jolly,
    Deck the halls with bows of holly".

    Rockin' around the Christmas tree,
    Have a happy holiday,
    Everyone dancin' merrily,
    In the new old-fashioned way.

    Rockin' around the Christmas tree,
    Let the Christmas spirit ring,
    Later we'll have some pumpkin pie,
    And we'll do some caroling.

    You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear,
    Voices singing,
    "Let's be jolly,
    Deck the halls with boughs of holly".

    Rockin' around the Christmas tree,
    Have a happy holiday,
    Everyone dancin' merrily,
    In the new old-fashioned way.

    London - the Capital of the UK

    I'd like to speak about London which is the largest city as well as the capital of England and United Kingdom. It is located on the bank of  River Thames. The city attracts millions of visitors as, on the one hand, it is an ancient  city which has seen a lot of historical events, but, on the other hand, it is a modern city with lots of places of entertainment and world's famous shopping centers. 
    Though it is an old city, it has become one of the world's leading business, financial, and cultural centers. It influences politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion and the arts and is a global city. 
        Besides, London has got some famous tourist attractions such as The Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey and St.Margaret's Church; the Tower of London; the historic settlement of Greenwich; and the Royal Botanic Gardens.
    If you are going on a tour of London, you should visit The Tower of London first. It is one of the most famous fortresses in the world. It is a 900-year old royal palace and fortress, housing a prison, place of execution (killing criminals), mint, arsenal, zoo and jewel house. 
    The place of great interest is, I'm sure, Madam Tussauds, which brings you face to face with the world's most known faces. It holds life-size wax models of well-known celebrities of the world. 
       Another worth visiting attraction here is the London Eye. It is the world's highest observation wheel and offers spectacular views of over 55 of London's most famous landmarks. 
     Besides, St.Paul's Cathedral is the seat of Bishop of London and is popular with visitors. 
     London also offers a number of museums to be visited. British Museum exhibits (shows) works dating from the prehistoric era to the present times, collected from all over the globe. Next is the National Gallery, which houses the greatest collection of paintings in the world. Its collection includes works of Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Gainsborough, Turner, Cezanne and Van Gogh. Apart from this, Natural History Museum displays  a collection of the biggest, tallest and rarest animals in the world. 
      Moreover, London has got a large number of parks and gardens. The largest parks located in the central part of the city are the Royal Parks of Hyde Park. 
      London can be called an entertainment hub (center), as it offers so much to its visitors. The nightlife of the city is extremely hip and rocking. There are a number of bars, clubs, restaurants and galleries. You can do the shopping at Oxford Street, which is the longest shopping street in the world. 
    New Words: 

    1. event  -  событие 
    2. entertainment  -  развлечение 
    3. leading - ведущий 
    4. influence - влиять 
    5. media - newspapers, radio, TV, the Internet 
    6. attraction - sight - достопримечательность 
    7. execution - казнь 
    8. mint - монетный двор 
    9. arsenal - хранилище оружия 
    10. display - show  - показывать 
    11. hub - центр 


    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 

    I'd like to give a talk about the UKThe full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The country is situated in the British Isles. So, the UK is an island state. The two main islands are Great Britain and Ireland. The two islands are separated by the Irish Sea. The UK is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Straits of Dover. The UK is also washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and by the North Sea in the east.   A3 Laminated UK Counties Map Educational Poster

       The UK consists of four parts which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast. The flag of the United Kingdom is known as the Union Jack. It is made up of three crosses: the cross of St. George (the patron saint of England), the cross of St. Andrew (the patron saint of Scotland) and the cross of St. Patrick (the patron saint of Ireland). 

     In Britain the Queen is the head of state, but in fact, she doesn't rule the country as she has no power. The Queen is the symbol of the country, its history and traditions. She travels about the United Kingdom, meets different people and visits schools, hospitals and other special places. The Queen of Great Britain is also the Head of the Commonwealth and the Queen of Canada, Australia and New Zealand. 

    But the real power in the UK belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government. The British Parliament has two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The members of the House of Commons are elected. The British people elect 650 members of the House of Commons every five years. The members of the House of Lords are not elected, they are selected. These members are permanent. 

    That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening

    Проба пера-литературные переводы стихотворения "DOGS"

    Придаточные времени и условия  
    (IF/WHEN clauses)
    В придаточном предложении вместо Future Simple нужно употреблять Present Simple.  

    Упражнение 1Вставьте вместо точек if или when:
    1. … I see Tom tomorrow, I’ll invite him to our party.
    2. … it rains this evening, I won’t go out.
    3. I’ll phone you … I get back.
    4. I’m feeling very tired. I think I’ll go straight to bed … I get home.
    5. I’ll be very surprised … he doesn’t get the job.
    Упражнение 2 Раскройте скобки:
    1. She will buy a new bag when she (arrive) to London.
    2. I will stay here when he (come).
    3. Tell him about it if he (want).
    4. She will catch bad cold if she (not to go and change) her wet shoes.
    5. I shall cut some sandwiches if they (be) hungry.
    Упражнение 3. Составьте смысловые цепочки предложений по образцу, используя if и will.
    ОБРАЗЕЦ. If the earth gets warmer, the sea will get warmer. — If the sea gets warmer ... 
    1. the earth gets warmer
    2. the sea gets warmer
    3. the ice at the North and South Poles melts
    4. the sea level rises
    5. there are floods in many parts of the world
    Упражнение 4Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную форму:
    1. If you (eat) another cake, you (be) sick. 2. You (fail) your exam if you (not/study) hard. 3. What you (do) if you (fail)? 4. Our children and grandchildren (suffer) if we (not/look after) our planet. 5. If you (be) late, I (go) without you. 6. If she (pass) her driving test, she (buy) a car. 7. If my neighbours (not/stop) making a noise, I (complain).

    Translate the following phrases into English, make up 6 sentences with these phrases:
    1. климатические изменения 2. яркий солнечный свет 3. важный эффект 4. сильное влияние 5. влиять на человека 6. иметь влияние на ребенка 7. человеческий голос 8. разрушать здоровье 9. большая новая теплица 10. сильная жара 11. производить молочные продукты 12. огромное животное 13. берег моря 14. хрупкое стекло.

    Learn the prepositions:

    We talk about the weather:
    It is sunny today.
    It was rainy yesterday.
    It will be windy tomorrow.

    It is raining now.
    It was raining all day yesterday.
    It will rain tomorrow.

    Learn the song:

    What’s the weather? It’s sunny.  What’s the weather? It’s rainy.  Altogether that’s the weather.  Sun, rain, wind, storm.  Hot, cold, cool, warm.  What’s the weather? It’s cloudy.  What’s the weather? It’s windy.  Altogether that’s the weather.  In the summer it is hot.  In the winter it is not.  In the spring there are flowers.  In the autumn there are showers.  What’s the weather? It’s frosty.  What’s the weather? It’s foggy.  Altogether that’s the weather.  Sun, rain, wind, storm.  Hot, cold, cool, warm.  What’s the weather? It’s snowing.  What’s the weather? It’s blowing.  Altogether that’s the weather. 
    In the summer it is hot.  In the winter it is not. 
    In the spring there are flowers.  In the autumn there are showers.  Altogether that’s the weather.

    A Funny Song to Recollect Progressive (Present and Past)

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