Saturday, February 16, 2013


Dear pupils, exam topics are here for your attention.

Topics for exam (Grade 8):
1The world of professions.
2. Choosing a career.
3.    Different professions-different traits of character.
4. Jobs can be attractive … .
 The system of education in GB vs the educational system of Russia.
6.   The system of education abroad and in Russis.
7.   Ideal school.
8. Your school.
9. School uniform.
10.                       Money (1).
11.                        Money (2).
12.                       Last shopping day.
13.                        The world of shopping.
14.                       The world of fashion.
15.                       The ageof science and technology.
16.                       Wonderful discoveries and inventions.
17.                        Virtual reality: pros and cons.
18.                       The Urgent problems nowadays (science).
19.                       Travelling.
20.                        Canada and Russia.
21.                       Mass media.
22.                        The press in Britain and Russia.

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