Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Getting ready for National Exams! (tasks for 9 Graders to do during the vacation)!

Тренировочные задания для подготовки к ГИА:

Раздел 2. ЧтениеB2 Установите соответствие между заголовками A-Н и текстами 1-7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
            A. Firstcomputers
 B. Riskysport
C. Shopping in comfort
 D. Difficult task        E. Professional sport
 F. Shopping from home
 G. New users
 H. Digging for the past

            1. A group of university students from Brazil have been given the job of discovering and locating all the waterfalls in their country. It is not easy because very often the maps are not detailed. The students have to remain in water for long periods of time. Every day they cover a distance of 35 to 40 kilometers through the jungle, each carrying 40 kilos of equipment.

 2. For many years now, mail-order shopping has served the needs of a certain kind of customers. Everything they order from a catalogue is delivered to their door. Now, though, e-mail shopping on the Internet has opened up even more opportunities for this kind of shopping.

 3. Another generation of computer fans has arrived. They are neither spotty schoolchildren nor intellectual professors, but pensioners who are learning computing with much enthusiasm. It is particularly interesting for people suffering from arthritis as computers offer a way of writing nice clear letters. Now pensioners have discovered the Internet and at the moment they make up the fastest growing membership.

 4. Shopping centres are full of all kinds of stores. They are like small, self-contained towns where you can find everything you want. In a large centre, shoppers can find everything they need without having to go anywhere else. They can leave their cars in the shopping centre car park and buy everything in a covered complex, protected from the heat, cold or rain.

 5. Not many people know that, back in the fifties, computers were very big, and also very slow. They took up complete floors of a building, and were less powerful, and much slower than any of today's compact portable computers. At first, the data they had to process and record was fed in on punched-out paper; later magnetic tape was used, but both systems were completely inconvenient.

 6. Potholing is a dull name for a most interesting and adventurous sport. Deep underground, on the tracks of primitive men and strange animals who have adapted to life without light, finding unusual landscapes and underground lakes, the potholer lives an exciting adventure. You mustn't forget, though, that it can be quite dangerous. Without the proper equipment you can fall, get injured or lost.

 7. Substantial remains of an octagonal Roman bath house, probably reused as a Christian baptistry, have been uncovered during a student training excavation near Faversham in Kent. The central cold plunge pool was five metres across, and stood within a structure which also had underfloor heating and hot pools, probably originally under a domed roof.
                        1          2          3          4          5          6          7
Занесите последовательость букв в форму для ответа. При переносе ответов в задании В2 буквы записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.
B3       Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A-G. Одна из частей в списке А-G- лишняя.
 Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

Before the Hubble Space Telescope was launched, scientists thought they knew the universe. They were wrong.
 The Hubble Space Telescope has changed many scientists' view of the universe. The telescope is named after American astronomer Edwin Hubble, 1_______________________ He established that many galaxies exist and developed the first system for their classifications.
 In many ways, Hubble is like any other telescope. It simply gathers light. It is roughly the size of a large school bus. What makes Hubble special is not what it is, 2 _______________________.
 Hubble was launched in 1990 from the "Discovery" space shuttle and it is about 350 miles above our planet, 3_______________________.
 It is far from the glare of city lights, it doesn't have to look through the air,4_______________________.
 And what a view it is! Hubble is so powerful it could spot a fly on the moon.
 Yet in an average orbit, it uses the same amount of energy as 28 100-watt light bulbs. Hubble pictures require no film. The telescope takes digital images 5_______________________.
 Hubble has snapped photos of storms on Saturn and exploding stars. Hubble doesn't just focus on our solar system. It also peers into our galaxy and beyond. Many Hubble photos show the stars that make up the Milky Way galaxy. A galaxy is a city of stars.
 Hubble cannot take pictures of the sun or other very bright objects, because doing so could "fry" the telescope's instruments, but it can detect infrared and ultra violet light 6_______________________.
 Some of the sights of our solar system that Hubble has glimpsed may even change the number of planets in it.
A. which is above Earth's atmosphere.
B. which are transmitted to scientists on Earth.
C. which is invisible to the human eye.
D. who calculated the speed at which galaxies move.
 E. so it has a clear view of space.
F. because many stars are in clouds of gas.
 G. but where it is.
                        1          2          3          4          5          6

            Занесите последовательость букв в форму для ответа. При переносе ответов в задании В2 буквы записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А15-А21. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.
            When Suzanne had ever thought of New Orleans, it was always in connection with Hector Santien, because he was the only soul she knew who dwelt there. He had had no share in obtaining for her the position she had secured with one of the leading dry goods firms; yet it was to him she addressed herself when her arrangements to leave home were completed.

 He did not wait for her train to reach the city, but crossed the river and met her at Gretna. The first thing he did was to kiss her, as he had done eight years before when he left Natchitoches parish. An hour later he would no more have thought of kissing Suzanne than he would have tendered an embrace to the Empress of China. For by that time he had realized that she was no longer twelve nor he twenty-four.

 She could hardly believe the man who met her to be the Hector of old. It was not his black hair that was dashed with grey on the temples; nor his short, parted beard and a small moustache that curled. From the crown of his glossy silk hat down to his trimly gaitered feet, his attire was faultless. Suzanne knew her Natchitoches, and she had been to Shreveport and even penetrated as far as Marshall, Texas, but in all her travels she had never met a man to equal Hector in the elegance of his appearance.

 They entered a cab, and seemed to drive for an interminable time through the streets, mostly over cobble stones that rendered conversation difficult. Nevertheless he talked incessantly, while she peered from the windows to catch what glimpses she could, through the night, of that New Orleans of which she had heard so much. He was taking her to a friend of his, the dearest little woman in town. That was MamanChavan, who was going to board and lodge her charging a ridiculously small sum of money.

MamanChavan lived within comfortable walking distance of Hector's place. She was waiting for them - a lovable, fresh-looking, white-haired, black-eyed, small, fat little body, dressed all in black. She understood no English; which made no difference. Suzanne and Hector spoke only French to each other.

 Hector came every Sunday morning, an hour or so before noon to breakfast with them. Suzanne was never in Hector's company elsewhere than at MamanChavan's. Besides the Sunday visit, he looked in upon them sometimes at dusk, to chat for a moment or two. He often treated them to the theatre and even to the opera, when business was brisk.

 One day she sent word to Hector to come to her. "Hector," she began when he was there. "Someone has told me I should not be seen upon the streets of New Orleans with you". He was trimming a long rose-stem with his sharp penknife. He did not stop, nor start, nor look embarrassed, nor anything of the sort. "Indeed!" he said. "I want you to look me in the face, Hector, and tell me if there is any reason." He snapped the knife-blade and replaced the knife in his pocket; then he looked in her eyes so steadily, that she hoped and believed that a confession of innocence would follow and she would gladly have accepted it. But he said indifferently: "Yes, there are reasons." Suzanne suddenly felt sick at heart. "There are no reasons that I will hear or believe." He silently held the rose by its long stem, and swept it lightly across her forehead along her cheek, and over her pretty mouth and chin. She sank upon the bench, and buried her face in her palms. A slight convulsive movement of the muscles indicated a suppressed sob. "That work at the store is telling on your nerves, Suzanne. Promise me that you will go back to the country. That will be best." He did not return; neither during the week nor the following Sunday. Then Suzanne told MamanChavan she was going home.
A15     Suzanne associated New Orleans with Hector Santien because
             1) he had helped her to find a job at a dry-goods firm there.
 2) she used to address her letters to him when he lived there.
 3) she was not acquainted with anyone else there.
 4) he had arranged her visit to that city.
A16     When Hector met Suzanne he kissed her
             1) as such was his manner of greeting her.
 2) as he used to do when she came to New Orleans.
 3) because he was overwhelmed by her beauty.
 4) to show that she was still a little girl for him.
A17     Suzanne could hardly recognise the Hector of old because
             1) his hair was already turning grey on the temples.
 2) he was wearing a short beard and a small moustache.
 3) he was wearing outrageously expensive clothes.
 4) he looked the very embodiment of good taste.
А18      While driving in a cab Suzanne didn't speak much because she
             1) was deafened by the noise of busy streets of the city.
 2) was curious to see at least something of the city.
 3) felt shy and awkward in Hector's presence.
 4) expected Hector to do all the talking.
A19     The main reason why Hector arranged Suzanne's staying at MamanChavan's was that
             1) MamanChavan's house was not far from the city centre.
 2) MamanChavan didn't ask much for accommodation.
 3) he wanted both women to become friends.
 4) it was a good opportunity for Suzanne to practice French.
A20     The phrase "He often treated them to the theatre ... when business was brisk" implies that
             1) Hector bought theatre tickets for them.
 2) Hector accompanied them to the theatre.
 3) Hector's business had something to do with the theatre.
 4) Hector was well connected in the theatrical world.
A21     After her talk with Hector Suzanne realized that
             1) his business must have been illegal.
 2) he was romantically involved with another woman.
 3) their relationship might break down.
 4) she had been exhausted by her work at the store.
Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B4-B10, так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B4-B10.
A Smart Boy
B4       Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. OneB4 day Mr. Jones said,__________________pleasantly to Mr.Brown: "We are going to have a small party next Monday evening. Will you and your wife come?"     SMILE
B5       That's very kind of you. We are free that evening, I think.
 But I__________________my wife and ask her".  CALL
B6        Mr. Brown__________________into the other room and GO
telephoned.     GO
B7       He __________________ very much by his telephone
conversation.  SURPRISE

B8       When he came back Mr. Jones asked him, "__________________(you) to your wife already?"  SPEAK

B9       "No, she __________________there when I phoned.
 My small son answered the phone. I asked him, "Is your mother there?" And he said, "She is somewhere outside".            NOT BE

B10     "Why is she outside?" I asked. "She__________________for me", he answered. LOOK

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11-В16, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11-В16.
UK: Conservation and Environment
B11     Going for a walk is the most popular leisure activity in Britain. Despite its high population density and widespread ___________, the UK has many unspoilt rural and coastal areas.       URBAN
B12     Twelve National Parks are freely accessible to the public and were created to conserve the__________________beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage they contain.        NATURE
B13     Most of the land in National Parks is privately owned, but administered by an independent National Park Authority which works to balance the expectations of __________________with the need to conserve these open spaces for future generations.            VISIT
B14     The UK also works to improve the global environment and has taken global warming__________________ever since scientists discovered the hole in the ozone layer.         SERIOUS
B15     In 1997, the UK subscribed to the Kyoto Protocol binding developed countries to reduce emissions of the six main greenhouse gases. The Protocol declares environmental___________________       PROTECT
            B16     Nowadays British________________are taking part in
one of the largest international projects that is undertaken to protect endangered species.           SCIENCE
 Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям A22-A28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведитеномервыбранноговамивариантаответа.
            Tracy was as excited as a child about her first trip abroad. Early in the morning, she stopped at a A22___________ agency and reserved a suite on the Signal Deck of the Queen Elizabeth II. The next three days she spent buying clothes and luggage.
 On the morning of the sailing, Tracy hired a limousine to drive her to the pier. When she A23______ at Pier 90, where the Queen Elizabeth II was docked, it was crowded with photographers and television reporters, and for a moment Tracy was panic stricken. Then she realized they were interviewing the two men posturing at the foot of the gangplank. The members of the crew were helping the passengers with their luggage. On deck, a steward looked at Tracy's ticket and A24___________her to her stateroom. It was a lovely suite with a private terrace. It had been ridiculously expensive but Tracy A25______it was worth it.
 She unpacked and then wandered along the corridor. In almost every cabin there were farewell parties going on, with laughter and champagne and conversation. She felt a sudden ache of loneliness. There was no one to see her A26______, no one for her to care about, and no one who cared about her. She was sailing into a completely unknown future.
 Suddenly she felt the huge ship shudder as the tugs started to pull it out of the harbor, and she stood A27___________ the passengers on the boat deck, watching the Statue of Liberty slide out of A28______, and then she went exploring.
A22      1) journey
 2) trip
 3) travel
 4) tourist
A23      1) achieved
 2) arrived
 3) entered
 4) reached
A24      1) set
 2) came
 3) headed
A25      1) determined
 2) resolved
 3) decided
 4) assured
A26      1) in
 2) off
 3) of
 4) after
A27      1) among
 2) along
 3) between
 4) besides
A28      1) glance
2) stare
 3) sight
 4) look

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