Sunday, February 9, 2014

ГИА 5 из банка заданий

Student Card 5
Task 1
Give a talk about holidays.
Remember to say:
·        what holidays are the most popular in your country;
·        what your favourite holiday is and why you like it;
·        how you usually celebrate this holiday.
You have to talk for 1.5–
2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask
you some questions.

Task 2 (2–3 minutes)
You play the part of a student in an international language school. You are taking a three-week language course there. It’s Sunday but you have to go to the library. You are surprised to see your classmate Mike/Mary there.
·        Find out what he/she is doing in the library on Sunday.
·        Answer his/her question(s) about your exams in your school in Russia.
·        Answer the question(s) about after-classes activities in your school.
·        Agree to fulfill your classmate’s request.
You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your classmate.
Remember to:
·        cover all four aspects of the task
·        be active and polite
Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между заголовками 1–
8 и текстами А–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1.         Winning a quick victory          2.       Saving a sportsman           3. Fit and healthy again
4.         The first sporting events          5.       The club history          6. Sport and its advantages
7.         The swimmer comes back        8.       Champions award ceremony

Sport can be a great way to develop life skills. It helps you to learn about teamwork, self-control, and competition. You set your goals and do your best to reach them. In a good sporting environment, children have the opportunity to make new friends and develop new interests. Sport also keeps you fit and greatly improves your health. If you do sports, you have no weight problems.
German planes have finally managed to save a climber from one of the world's highest mountain peaks. Tom Gummar, a Slovenian, was trying to climb the mountain when he ran into difficulties. He had spent nearly a week six-thousand metres above the ground. All the previous attempts to save him had been unsuccessful because of snow storms. Only yesterday the planes managed to reach him and now his health is improving.
The Ancient Olympic Games were held in Greece. The beginning of these games is surrounded with mystery and legend. One of the most popular myths says that Heracles was the first who called the Games "Olympic". He started the tradition of holding them every four years. The legend continues that he built the Olympic stadium in honour of his father.
D.        Former Wimbledon winner Maria Sharapova is back at the US Open semi-finals. "It's been a long road back to the tournament," said Sharapova, who spent 10 months off court with a shoulder injury that needed serious treatment. “Now I’m in good shape again and hope to repeat the 2006 title win,” she added.
Chelsea was founded in 1905 and it soon entered the Football League. In the early years they saw little success. From the very beginning Chelsea had a reputation for inviting famous footballers to play for them but the team changed dramatically only after a new coach, Ted Drake, joined it. He led them to their first main victory: they won the national championship.
Yesterday Andy Wistler played one of his best matches at the Australian Open. Due to his wonderful performance he easily won three sets and the match was finished very quickly. It was impossible for his opponent Yang Chung to play at the same level and the match was finished in a very short time. Still, it should be mentioned that Yang Chung was an experienced Chinese tennis player.
Janet Evans retired from swimming in 1996. She was sure her best days were behind her. She had won three gold medals at the Seoul Olympics and had set world records that had stood for years. Everyone was surprised when Janet announced her return. She said she is hoping to become part of the US Olympic team. A big decision after a 16 year break!

 Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A7–
A14 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют
(2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни
положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).

                                             The will

One day young William was called to a lawyer’s office. The lawyer announced that William’s uncle had left him a thousand dollars. He also added that William was required to give the lawyer a report of how he used the money as soon as he spent it. That was his uncle’s last wish.

William promised to follow his uncle’s wish and went straight to his club. He looked for Bryson, a calm wise man of about forty who was sitting in a corner reading a book. When William told him about the contents of the will, Bryson did not seem at all surprised. He only remarked that the uncle was worth about half a million.

William told Bryson that his uncle had left a lot of money to charity while his servants had received only ten dollars each. There was one more person mentioned in the will, Miss Hayden, a distant relative who lived in the uncle’s house. She was a quiet, musical girl and the dearest woman in the world to William. William had been in love with her for two years but he had never told her about his feelings.

William had no idea how to spend a thousand dollars and he hated making the report. He had a feeling that his uncle was making fun of him.

In the street William saw a blind man selling pencils. William went up to him and asked him what he would do with the money. The blind man shrugged his shoulders and said that he had never seen such a huge amount of money and therefore had never had the problem of spending such a sum. William bought all his pencils and gave him ten dollars above the asking price.

William was walking down the empty street when he had an idea.

He got into a cab and went to his uncle’s house where Miss Hayden lived. He found her, sad and beautiful, writing letters in the library. William knew that like the servants she had received nothing from his uncle but ten dollars. So he said that there was an addition to his uncle’s will that allowed her to have a thousand dollars and he gave her the money there and then. Miss Hayden turned white, took the banknotes and put them in the drawer of the writing desk. Then she quietly thanked William and gave him a shy smile.

In excitement William went back to the lawyer’s office, ready to hand over the report. Suddenly the lawyer took out another document which had been given to him by William’s uncle and started reading. It said that in the case that William spent the money wisely, he was to receive another fifty thousand dollars. On the contrary, if he had spent it in a foolish way, the fifty thousand would go to Miss Hayden.

Smiling brightly, William destroyed the report and said he had lost a thousand dollars on the races. William realised that he was going to lose much more than that but he felt happy about it.

 1. William’s uncle left all his money to his servants.
             1)        True                  2)        False                 3)        Not stated
2. William asked the blind man for advice.
             1)        True                  2)        False                 3)        Not stated
3. Bryson was a friend of William’s uncle.
             1)        True                  2)        False                 3)        Not stated
4. William came to the lawyer’s office to make a report about his money.
             1)        True                  2)        False                 3)        Not stated
5. William made Miss Hayden a rich woman.
             1)        True                  2)        False                 3)        Not stated
6. William told Miss Hayden a lie about his uncle’s will.
             1)        True                  2)        False                 3)        Not stated
7. Miss Hayden arrived at the uncle’s house two years ago.
             1)        True                  2)        False                 3)        Not stated
8. Miss Hayden refused to take the money offered by William.
             1)        True                  2)        False                 3)        Not stated

Для ответа на задание С1 используйте отдельный лист.    
 При выполнении задания С1 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на отдельном чистом листе. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.
You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend, Ben.
…We’ve moved house and now I have to go to a new school. It’s a pity because I liked my old school and I had a lot of friends there. Now I feel a bit lonely but I hope to find some friends here too….
…What do you like most about your school? Have you got a lot of friends at school? What do you usually do with your school friends in your free time? …
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

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