Sunday, February 23, 2014

ГИА 6 вариант


Тask 1

Give a talk about travelling.

Remember to say:

·       why travelling has been so popular since the beginning of the 20th century;
·       what the best means of transport for travelling is (from your point of view);
·       what people like doing while travelling.

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Task 2 (2–3 minutes)

You play the part of a student in an international language school. You’ve got two tickets to a theatre performance tonight but unfortunately you are busy and can’t go there. You meet your classmate Kevin/Kate on campus.

·        Offer your classmate the tickets.
·        Answer his/her question(s) about art and cultural life in Russia.
·        Answer the question(s) about TV.
·        Accept your classmate’s invitation.

You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your classmate.

Remember to:
·        cover all four aspects of the task
·        be active and polite

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–G и заголовками 1–8. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
A change in people’s attitude   2.      A problem still unsolved     3. A new state organisation
4. A governmental plan of action  5.            No time to waste   6. An eco-friendly means of transport
7. A set of dangerous signs   8. A reason for global warming
Recycling is becoming easier and more widespread. Governments support companies that recycle waste. Also people prefer to buy things from companies that make their products from recycled materials. Reports say that people worldwide are starting to care more about what happens to waste products. For example, now Americans recycle almost 35% of their waste, while in the 1990s the percentage was much smaller.
In autumn 2004 a new governmental body was created in Russia to protect the country’s natural resources. It’s called the Federal Ecological Service. The aims of the new institution are the following: to prevent environmental pollution and to control industrial waste. They say that the new governmental service has improved the state system of environmental protection in Russia.
Climate change is on us. Ten years ago we only spoke about it, now it’s happening before our eyes. Global warming is bringing unpredictable changes. The Arctic sea ice is disappearing; glaciers are melting faster every year. Due to heavy rains some rivers overflow, while others dry out. Disasters such as tornadoes and floods are spreading. Strong hurricanes are becoming more common and more destructive.
People burn plenty of coal, oil and natural gas. As a result of this billions of tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) are released into the atmosphere every year. CO2 is a greenhouse gas that traps the sun's radiation within the atmosphere so the concentration of CO2 increases. As a result of this, temperatures in different parts of the planet rise.
They are designed to work using electric power, without gasoline. It means that they don’t pollute the atmosphere, cost less and reduce the need for oil. Such cars are reliable and have interesting designs. However, they have a few bad points. Many have a maximum speed limit of about 50 miles per hour. Most cities are not ready for the appearance of such cars on their roads.
Environmental organisations have been discussing ways of saving the rain forests for many years. However, we are still facing huge losses in the Amazon. People think that rainforests have already had enough attention. They have been discussed in the press for years. Unfortunately, the rainforest is still in danger and can be destroyed completely.
Environmental problems are serious and we have to deal with them immediately. There may not be easy solutions but we simply can’t continue living as if everything is fine. These problems aren’t going to disappear by themselves. If we want to keep this planet a healthy place for our grandchildren, it’s time to do everything we can to stop the catastrophe.

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A7A14соответствуют содержанию текста (1 –True), какие не соответствуют (2 –
 False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).

                                       Peer pressure

"Peer pressure"* is very strong, especially among young people. Almost everyone can remember a moment when they did something because their friends were doing it. Teenagers often buy something just because their friends have it, and this thing comes into fashion. If teenagers didn’t imitate their friends’ behavior, there would be fewer social problems: smoking, crime and so on.

On the other hand, “peer pressure” can also produce positive results. Youth crime and vandalism in one of the districts of Bristol, a city in England, fell by 20% last year. Why? Because young people stopped doing stupid and anti-social things. Now they are trying to keep out of trouble. And it's all the result of a new project.

Two Bristol policemen organised a football league for teenagers in one of the poorest parts of the city. The idea is to prevent teenagers from committing crimes. They want to show teenagers how they can spend their free time in a better way.

The policemen introduced a system in which football results are connected to young people's behaviour outside the football grounds. Teams get points for winning their matches, but lose points if any team-member does anything he shouldn't on the football field or off it! For example, teams get ten points for winning a match, but if any player is arrested, the team loses ten points. If a member is caught doing an act of vandalism, such as spraying graffiti, the team loses five points. Three points are lost for less serious crimes.

The results in Bristol are great. None of the teenagers playing in the football league has been arrested by the police. Instead of doing antisocial things and causing problems these teenagers are trying to behave properly!

The idea is already getting popular in other parts of Britain, and similar programmes will be started in other cities. Social workers are also trying to use “peer pressure" to get other positive results. If some more original ways are found, levels of crime among young people will soon be falling quickly.

Some people also think that a similar system should be used for professional footballers. If a professional player gets into a fight on the football ground, his team loses points. In this way footballers will try to behave with more respect to other players.

Another example of positive “peer pressure” is that there are fewer teenagers who smoke or take drugs. This is the result of the growing popularity of mobile phones. A mobile has become a new symbol of growing up. Teenagers no longer need to smoke to show that they are adults. Now they want to get a phone as cool as their classmates have.

*Peer pressure –
 the strong influence of a group, especially of children, on the members of that group to behave as everyone else does.

А7 The Bristol football league for teenagers was started by a social worker.
             1)        True                 2)        False                 3)        Not stated
А8 The results of football matches are sent to school.
             1)        True                 2)        False                 3)        Not stated
А9 The football team loses points when its member commits a crime.
             1)        True                 2)        False                 3)        Not stated
А10  Teenagers try to follow their friends’ habits.
             1)        True                 2)        False                 3)        Not stated
А11 The aim of the project is to prepare professional footballers.
             1)        True                 2)        False                 3)        Not stated
А12 Mobile phones make teenagers give up bad habits.
             1)        True                 2)        False                 3)        Not stated
А 13 Social workers are against using “peer pressure” method.
             1)        True                 2)        False                 3)        Not stated

Для ответа на задание С1 используйте отдельный лист.    
 При выполнении задания С1 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на отдельном чистом листе. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.
You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ann.

… My older brother has got a new hobby –
 he has become a mountain biker. I know that mountain biking is a dangerous kind of sport and I worry about him. I would like him
to spend more time at home. I wish he had chosen a safer entertainment…

…What indoor sports are most popular with teenagers in your country? Why do teenagers often do extreme sports? What kind of sport is your favourite? …

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

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