Friday, April 25, 2014

Exam topic 1 for 8-Formers

Topic # 1 Prove That the World of Professions Is Enormous and Various. What Do You Think Are the Most Important Jobs?

Well, it's a widely-known fact that the range of professions is really enormous and various.While one can choose to become a specialist in the sphere of trade and economy, another one will probably like working in health care or education.

I am sure your future choice of a profession or a job depends both on your natural talents and abilities and the skills you have acquired (practiced enough to be successful) during your school and further education period.
If you like working with hands you may become a carpenter or an auto mechanic. Those who are eager to help people recover from serious diseases can become doctors, such as a physician or a therapist, a surgeon or even a medical officer. Of course, not only your skills and talents but also your personal qualities are important when choosing the right job. For example, to become a perfect teacher one needs to be patient and tolerant, be able to love children and treat his or her students properly, that is a good teacher will always find the right method or technique to explain to their pupils a new rule and encourage them to study well.
It's a well-known fact that jobs can be attractive and not attractive. I think such jobs as the job of a fashion designer or a travel agent are really attractive as they are creative, interesting and prestigious. One has the opportunity to travel abroad and meet different people and even become famous while working in these spheres. At the same time, there are a lot of unattractive jobs, such as the job of a carpenter or a bus driver, a dustman or a nurse.These jobs are backbreaking, monotonous and low-paid.
It's not easy to say what jobs are the most important nowadays. They say not without reason, "That is not the job that makes the person bright but the people themselves, their personal attitude and desire to be good at their work".
I am quite sure that the most prestigious and well-paid jobs are the job of an architect, the job of a computer programmer, the job of a banker, the profession of an economist, an accountant, a journalist and a diplomat. They require special training, accuracy and courage. One can face dangerous situations and should be able to make the right decision to find the way out. There are not so popular and prestigious jobs, but the jobs that are really important, they are the job of a doctor or a teacher. Everyone needs these people. Our life is impossible without good teachers and doctors. Nowadays the Russian government and the president himself do a lot to improve the situation an to raise the image of these two important jobs in our country. The teachers who manage to teach their pupils well and the doctors who treat their patients well are better paid.
I will always love and respect my primary school teacher. Her name is ..... . She taught me some very important things, such as to read and write, count, do sums and think properly about the world around us.

The New Words:
1. acquire skills - получить навыки
2. further education - дальнейшее образование
3. are eager to - желают
4. physician - терапевт
5. medical officer - военный врач
6. patient - терпеливый
7. tolerant - терпимый
8. encourage - вдохновлять, приободрять
9. attitude - отношение
10. desire - желание

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