Sunday, November 9, 2014

The AIC Kuzbass

The Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbas ”
In summer in 1921 the initiative group of American workers headed by a Holland engineer and communist S. Rutgers and an American communist B.
Heighwood offered the Soviet Government to found a colony of foreign workers and specialists in Kuzbass. S. Rutgers, T. Barker, B. Heighwood, G. Kalvert and B. Cornblit left for Kuzbass on June, 28 in 1921. S. Rutgers presented a detailed plan  for creation of the colony. In this plan Kemerovo was mentioned as an ideal place for building the economy.
In November ,1921, the Soviet Government sighed the contract.
 According to the contract, the colony took control over the Kemerovo mines , and chemical plants. But the most important thing was the colony receiving autonomy status, i.e. it did not report to the local authorities, but directly to the Soviet
In the early twenties of the last century, more than 650 foreign workers and engineers came to Kemerovo from every corner of the world to help Russia restore the notional economy destroyed during the Civil War. So the banks of the Tom’ river became the home for the Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbas ”
         The natives of more than 20 countries come to work in the Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbas ” from 1922 through 1926: Austraia,  Austria,Belgim, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Canada, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Serbia, the USA, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Jamaica…
         Although the colony existed for only 5 years , The American Siberians managed to contribute substantially into an industrial expansion  of  Kemerovo as well as the whole region. Jointly with Russian workers and engineers they  modernized several mines, began coke production, electrified the  city and surrounding villages, built several brickyards, and agricultural farms, apartment houses, schools, food  store, clubs and roads. Much of what they built is being  used by the townspeople till the present day.
          The colony was  a massive economic and social experiment. The world did not witness anything of the kind before and, possibly, will never witness again.
Therefore, it is only appropriate to say that the history of the city of Kemerovo is quite unique. The Red Hill Museum Preserve in Kemerovo is a unique place that presents the memory about the colonists.
 The history of the Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbas ” is worth knowing about knowing means showing respect to the memory of those who lent helping hand during the time that was the hardest one for our country .
Now, the Kemerovo Region is one of the most economically developed Siberian territories, with about a third of the major manufacturing facilities in western Siberia. Key sectors include the fuel industry, energy industry, engineering and metalworking, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industry, and food industry. 
С) Answer the questions
1. What is AIC  “Kuzbas”?
2.When and why was it founded?
3.Why was called Autonomous?
4. How long did it exist?
5. What was done during 1922- 1926?
 6.How did it influence the development of Kuzbas?
7. Who was at the head of the Autonomous Industrial Colony “Kuzbas?

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