Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Questions Unit 2 (9-Graders)


1.        Do you think that politicians have any effect on our everyday life? Why?
2.        What famous politicians do you know? Speak about them.
3.        Do you personally find politics interesting?Could you go into politics?
4.        What Greek philosophers do you know? Speak about them.
5.        What is a debate? Give some examples.
6.        Speak about famous Nobel Peace Prize winners.
7.        What role did Utopia play in its time?Speak about the book.
8.        Why can you call Sir Thomas More «a man of principle»?
9.        What do you know about the Cold War?
10.     Speak about the effects of the Cold War and its official end.

11.     What do you know about the UNO? Speak about the organization.
12.     Speak about the problem of terrorism in our world.
13.     How can people unite against the negative phenomena of nowadays?
14.     What can you say about A.Griboedov’s unique life?
15.     Is it easy to work as a diplomat? Give resons.
16.     What forms of crime make our life unsafe?
17.     Speak about Globalization. Give reasons.


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