Sunday, March 1, 2015

Children's and Youth Environmental Parliament

Youth Movements in the Kemerovo Region
Topical vocabulary

1.     NGO  - Non – Governmental Organization
2.     IDEA   - Information  Dissemination and Equal Access  - Информация для всех
3.     network  - сеть
4.     join  - присоединяться
5.     facilitate  - содействовать, продвигать
6.     goal = aim
7.     objective = aim
8.     involve  - вовлекать
9.     decision-making
10.                       fundamental humanist values
11.                       promote  - способствовать, распространять
12.                        awareness  - сознание, осознание
13.                        Central Internal Affairs Directorate  - Центральное управление внутренних дел
14.                        arrange  - организовывать
15.                       patronize  - попечительствовать
16.                       children’s asylum  - приют для детей
17.                        support  - поддерживать
18.                       convert to  - перестроиться, перейти
19.                        a non-profit organization  - недоходная, некоммерческая
20.                       Department of Youth  - Департамент молодёжи
21.                       at-risk youth   - молодёжь группы риска
22.                       low-income youth  - молодёжь из семей с низким доходом
23.                       initiative   - инициатива, движение
24.                       subsidize  - финансировать
     25.self-made organization  - самодеятельная организация
     26. thrive  - процветать
     27. provide  - снабжать, обеспечивать
     28. emerge  - появляться
     29. grassroots democratic development  - движение широких народных масс
    30. funding  - финансирование

         Children's and Youth Environmental Parliament
City: Kemerovo
Coordinator:   Yelena Sharifulina
Phone: (3842) 595600
Fax: (3842) 374034
Children’s and Youth Environmental Parliament, a Kemerovo NGO, joined the IDEA network in April 2008.

The organization was created on May 19, 1999, since then facilitating and participating in many projects and events. Its main goals and objectives are:
- assisting in identifying and addressing environmental problems in the region;
- involving children, youth and their parents in environmental decision-making;
- developing and coordinating the regional children’s and youth environmental movement;
- moral education with the emphasis on fundamental humanist values;
- environmental education; promoting environmental awareness and culture.
Currently 117 people have received training at IDEA computer courses and seminars, including 97 participants of 12 Microsoft Unlimited Potential courses.
Work time:

“Children’s and Youth Environmental Parliament”
Task: Study the information on Children’s and Youth Environmental Parliament and answer the questions:
1.     Where is the parliament located?
2.     Is Children’s and Youth Environmental Parliament a governmental or non –governmental organization? 
3.     When was the organization created?  
4.     Who is the coordinator?
5.     Has the organization participated in any projects since 1999?
6.     Why is it important to identify environmental problems of the region?
7.     People of what age groups are involved in decision-making?
8.     What are the main goals of the parliament?
9.     What are the working days of the centre?

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