Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Form 4 Going to the Theatre (dialogue)

 Going to the Theatre
Helen: Hello!Hello! Alice, it's me, Helen!
Alice: Oh, Helen, hi! How are you?
Helen: Fine. And how are you?
Alice: I'm fine, too. Look here, Helen, are you doing anything special tonight?
Helen: No, not really, why?
Alice: I've got two tickets for the ballet "Shchelkunchik". Have you seen it? Would you like to join
Helen: I'd love to. It's at the Bolshoi, isn't it?
Alice: Yes, it is.
Helen: That suits me fine. Are the tickets expensive?
Alice: Yes, they are. Our seats are in the stalls and we'll see the stage very well.
Helen: OK. When and where shall we meet?
Alice: I'll be at the bus stop at a quarter to 7.
Helen: Bye-bye, then
Alice: Bye.

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