Sunday, December 15, 2013

Банк ГИА задание 2


Тask 1

Give a talk about the place where you live (about your home town).

Remember to say:

·       what your home town looks like;

·       whether you have some favourite places in your home town, what they are;

·       what you would do for your home town if you were the President of our country.

You have to talk for 1.5–
2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she
will ask you some questions.


Task 2 (2–3 minutes)

You play the part of a student in an international language school. You meet your school classmate Marta/Martin on campus. She/he looks a bit unhappy.

·        Comment on how your classmate looks and find out the reason.

·        Answer your classmate’s questions about the education system in your country.

·        Answer the questions about your career plans.

·        Agree to fulfill your classmate’s request. Ask about the time and the meeting place.

You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your classmate.

Remember to

·        mention all four aspects of the task

·        take an active part in the conversation and be polite.

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–
G и заголовками 1–8. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

A false stereotypе
An unlucky symbol
A colourful present
A world famous journey
One and the same name
The national food
A talisman for luck
Old holiday traditions

When you think of the Irish, you often picture a red-haired person dressed all in green. However, it's just a popular myth which has grown into a tradition, particularly in the United States. It's customary in Ireland to wear green clothes only on St. Patrick's Day. Lots of people are tricked by this cliché. However, originally, the colour associated with Saint Patrick was not green, but blue.
In Ireland, the colour green was long considered to bring bad fortune. The reason is that in Irish folklore green is the favourite color of the Good People (the proper name for fairies). Myths run that they are likely to steal people, especially children, who wear too much of the colour. In the past, a girl would never wear anything green on her wedding day.
Christmas is a very important celebration in Ireland. After dinner on Christmas Eve, it is common for families to leave milk and bread on the table as a sign of friendliness and kindness. Another custom is to leave the door unlocked. A lit candle is left in a window during the night. It represents help for any traveller who is passing by.
Potatoes form the basis for many traditional Irish dishes. They are eaten boiled, mashed, fried, baked, you name it. Potatoes are mixed with cabbage or green onions to make traditional Irish dishes. They are also made into potato cakes and used in soups or stews. It’s common to find potatoes cooked in two different ways on the same dinner plate.
The shamrock is still a popular sign of good fortune in Ireland. It is believed that anyone who possesses one will be blessed with fortune in everything, even in gambling, and will be saved from the evil of witches. There are certain conditions to be met so that its power remains effective: the owner of the shamrock must keep it away from the public eye and never give it to anyone else.
The name Gulliver is known to everyone due to the book or the film about the fantastic trip of the English doctor. However, not all of us remember the name of the author   Jonathan Swift, an Irish writer, who was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1667. In his book Gulliver’s Travels a man went to an island where strange tiny people lived. His life there was full of adventures and dangers, he met there friends and enemies.
Ireland is known as the native land of limericks     
 short humorous poems that have five lines. They make people laugh and are easy to remember! Lots of poets and writers were
fond of limericks. The word ‘limerick’ probably comes from the Irish town of Limerick. The short poem has made the town known all over the world.

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A7 A14 соответствуют содержанию текста (1   True), какие не соответствуют
(2   False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3   Not stated).


Within a ten minute walk of Windsor Castle, across a bridge over the River Thames, there’s an old Gothic building. It is the legendary Eton College. It is one of England’s largest independent schools and one of the highest in prestige. Members of the British royal family are traditionally educated here. It was one of the best schools when first founded and remains so now; it is still commonly known as one of the greatest schools among all the schools in the world.

Following the old tradition, Eton is a full boarding school, which means all students live and study at the school with their fellow students throughout the school year. Eton is also one of the four remaining boys’ schools, so there’s no opportunity for a girl to study there. Eton students traditionally come from England’s wealthiest and most prestigious families, many of them aristocratic. Boys enter Eton at about 13 and continue there until they are ready to enter university.

The school was founded by Henry VI in the fifteenth century to provide free education for poor pupils who would then go on to get a higher education at King’s College in Cambridge. That connection no longer exists today.

All students have a uniform of a black tailcoat and a waistcoat, a white collar and dark trousers. All students wear a white tie. This uniform is not for special occasions, it is worn at all times for all classes. If you visit Eton during term time, you will see students walking the streets with books under their arms dressed in their uniforms.

At Eton, there are dozens of organisations known as ‘societies’, in many of which students come together to discuss a particular topic. The societies are traditionally governed by the boys themselves. Societies range from astronomy to Scottish dancing and stamp-collecting. Some of them are dedicated to music, some to arts, some to languages, and so on. Meetings are usually held after supper and often include a guest speaker. Among past guest speakers are composer Andrew Lloyd Webber, writer J. K. Rowling, designer Vivienne Westwood, and actor Ralph Fiennes.

One of the oldest and most influential Eton societies is called the Pop. Its members are like school head-boys or prefects who are given limited authority over other students. They are called Poppers and take an active part in many official events of the school year, including parents’ evenings. While all students wear black waistcoats, members of the Pop are allowed to wear any waistcoat they please. Prince William, when he was a Popper, wore a waistcoat designed like the British national flag. The style immediately became popular.

Irrespective of this, the official colour of the college is the so-called ‘Eton blue’. It’s a light blue-green colour which has been used since the early 19th century. The main purpose was to identify Eton sportsmen in rowing races and on the cricket field.

1.      Nowadays Eton College is as popular as it was many years ago.
 1) True                                   2) False                          3) Not stated
2. In our time girls are allowed to enter Eton College.
       1)        True                 2)        False                 3)        Not stated
3. Eton College was established to educate the children from the wealthiest British families.
      1)   True                     2)    False                        3)Not stated
4. The Eton uniform is sold only in one shop on the territory of the college.
             1)        True                 2)        False                 3)        Not stated
5. Many famous people have taken part in the work of the student societies.
             1)        True                 2)        False                 3)        Not stated
6. It is easy to identify Poppers in a crowd of students due to their clothes.
             1)        True                 2)        False                 3)        Not stated
7. All members of the British royal family who studied in Eton were Poppers.
             1)        True                 2)        False                 3)        Not stated
8. The official colour of Eton College is white.
             1)        True                 2)        False                 3)        Not stated

Для ответа на задание С1 используйте отдельный лист.    
 При выполнении задания С1 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным на отдельном чистом листе. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.
You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.

…I’ve just been to the zoo. What lovely animals are there! Bears, tigers and even sharks! When I look at them in the zoo I can hardly imagine that they could be dangerous or eat other animals…

… What do you think is better for animals –
 to live in the zoo or in the wild, why? What animals are common in your region? Have you ever seen any animal in the wild? …

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–
120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

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